Passage Three
Yes, that college tuition bill was bigger this year.
Confirming what students and their parents already knew, an influential education think tank (智囊机构) says that states are passing along their budget woes (困难) to public university students and their families. Tuitions are rising by double digits in some states, while the amount of state-funded student aid is dropping.
The result, says the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education in San Jose, Calif., is "the worst fiscal news for public higher education institutions and their students in at least a decade."
Although incomes are rising by only 1% to 2 % in most states, tuition at four-year public schools leapt by 24% in Massachusetts, 20% in Texas and 7% nationally since the 2001-2002 school year, the center says.
State budget deficits (预算赤字) are the cause. Nationally, states spend about 48% of their revenue on education, or about $235 billion in
A. the state-funded student aid was dropping
B. the economy was booming
C. per-capita income grew by less than 1%
D. private schools began to practice tuition discounting
This line of inquiry did not begin
until earlier this month--more titan three months after the accident--because
there were "too many emotions, too many egos," said retired Adm, Harold Gehman,
chairman of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. Testifying before the Senate Commerce Committee, Gehman said this part of his inquiry was in its earliest stages, starting just 10 days ago. But Gehman said he already has concluded it is "inconceivable" that NASA would have been unable or unwilling to attempt a rescue for astronauts in orbit if senior shuttle managers and administrators had known there was fatal damage to Columbia’s left wing. Gehman told reporters after the hearing that answers to these important questions could have enormous impact, since they could place in a different context NASA A. A supposed damage to the left wing of the spacecraft. B. The deliberate rejection of satellite images offered. C. A sense of sentiment and arrogance involved. D. The space agency’s inaction during its mission. [多项选择]片剂的标示量即()
A. 百分含量 B. 每片平均含量 C. 规格量 D. 生产时的处方量 [多选题]灭火弹分为()。
A.拉发式灭火弹 B.热敏灭火弹 C.自动式灭火弹 [单选题]下列关于分水器设置的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.同一分水器前的水枪阵地标高差不宜超过20m。 B.进入闷顶的水枪,不宜与室外地面水枪合用分水器。 C.两支水枪间的距离相距80m以上时,不宜合用分水器。 D.实施向纵深进攻的水枪,不宜与室外水枪阵地合用分水器。 [单项选择]20世纪教育发展总目标中的“两基”是______.
A. 基本知识和基本技能 B. 基本普及九年义务教育,基本扫除青壮年文盲 C. 基本普及九年义务教育,基本实现素质教育 D. 基础知识和基本素质 [单项选择]乳腺癌的好发部位为()。
A. 乳腺外上象限 B. 乳腺内上象限 C. 乳腺外下象限 D. 乳腺内下象限 E. 乳头及乳晕 [单项选择]安全生产监督管理中,不属于其他方面的监督的是( )。
A. 监察部门 B. 工会的监督 C. 社会公众的监督 D. 安全中介机构的监督 [单选题] 接地线应使用( )线夹固定在导体上,严禁用缠绕的方法进行接地或短路。
A.不锈钢的 B.专用的 C.铝质的 [多选题]划分矿井瓦斯等级的主要作用是 ( )。
A.用于风量计算 B.确定矿井产量 C.确定矿井的瓦斯管理制度 D.选用电气设备 [单选题]同一车组两人及其以上制动时,由( )负责指挥。
A. 最前方制动员 B. 后方制动员 C. 中间人员 D. 调车长 [简答题]重大火灾的定性标准是什么﹖
[单选题]1940年3月,在南京成立伪国民政府的是( )。
A.蒋介石 B.汪精卫 C.溥仪 D.何应钦 [单选题]科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法深入推进, 建设相互促进,中国特色社会主义法治体系日益完善,全社会法治观念明显增强。()
A.法治国家、法治政府、法治社会; B.法治政党、法治政府、法治生活; C.法治政府、法治社会、法治观念; D.法治政党、法治社会、法治观念。 [单项选择]在反向市场上,基差为( )。
A. 正值 B. 负值 C. 零 D. 无穷大 [单项选择]以下( )不是国家统一认证制度的内容。
A. 统一标志 B. 统一目录 C. 统一收费 D. 统一认证机构 [判断题] 纯银气焊时,既可采用氧乙炔中性焰,又可使用甲烷—氧焰。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]色谱仪热导池一般是由三部分组成,其不包括( )。
A.池体 B.池槽 C.热丝 D.衬管 [多选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统贷后管理操作实施细则》规定,现场检查应坚持双人经办原则,主要包括但不限于( )。
A.A、实地走访客户,与客户面谈 B.B、检查经营场所 C.C、进行财务查账 D.D、盘点库存 [多选题]铺设水带的要求()。
A.正确选择铺设水带的路线 B.不影响车辆通行 C.水带要留有机动长度 D.避开腐蚀和油污 [简答题]基轴制中,基准轴的()等于()。
A.改革 B.创新 C.开放 D.科技 [单选题]1.139 机动车发动机的排气管口不得指向车身_______。
A.前方 B.左侧 C.右侧 D.上方 我来回答: 提交