I usually don’t take the subway (地铁) to get to my office, but it’s a good thing I did last Tuesday. I (36) a man sitting opposite me who (37) to be extremely nervous. He was (38) wide-eyed at one of the advertisements (广告) in the car. Then his hands started to (39) . I took my medical bag and (40) to him.
"Well, what (41) seems to be wrong with you" I asked.
He pointed at an advertisement (42) the good qualities of a (43) kind of shin. It (44) :"It will not wilt, shrink, crease, or wrinkle."
"Well, (45) about it"
"I’m going (46) ," he said. "I can read it to myself, but I can’t says it out (47) "
"My dear man," I comforted him, "you can say it. Of course you can. Yon’ re (48) a little nervous. This is just a nervous attack. You must not (49) . You mus
A. advertisement
B. problem
C. situation
D. thing
One-room schools are part of the
heritage of the United States,and the mention of them makes people feel a
longing for“the way things were.”One room schools are an endangered
species(种类),however.For more than a hundred years,one-room schools have been
systematically shut down and their students sent away to centralized schools.As
recently as 1930 there were 149,000 one-room schools in the United States.By
1970 there were 1,800.Today,of the nearly 800 remaining one-room schools,more
than 350 are in Nebraska.The rest are spread through a few other states that
have on their roadmaps wide-open spaces between towns. Now that there are hardly any left,educators are beginning to think that maybe there is something yet to be learned from one-room schools,something that served the pioneers that might serve as well today.Progressive educ A. Critical. B. Humorous. C. Angry. D. Praising. [多选题]下列关于安全帽的使用期限,说法正确的是( )。
A.A-从制造之日起,塑料帽≤2.5年 B.B-从制造之日起,塑料帽≤2年 C.C-从制造之日起,玻璃钢帽≤2.5年 D.D-从制造之日起,玻璃钢帽≤3.5年 [单选题]根据被试电缆的( )选择适当的绝缘电阻表。
A.额定电流 B.额定电压 C.绝缘电阻 D.规格型号 [单项选择]一般小儿在几岁左右平衡、精细动作、粗大运动的协调发育基本成熟()。
A. 10岁 B. 11岁 C. 9岁 D. 7岁 E. 4岁 [单项选择]
(六)阅读以下文字,完成20~24题。 A. 计算机芯片与电子芯片比较,有其显著的优势 B. 非易失性记忆游戏终于成功地付诸生产 C. 瓦伦的新型芯片以价格低廉、速度迅捷赢得了市场 D. 电子设备上的芯片比计算机芯片的优势明显 [单项选择]()展飞想起了哪项酷刑,吓得魂飞魄散?
A. 刑台石 B. 开口笑 C. 后庭花 D. 车马裂 [多项选择]企业的融资方式包括()。
A. 内部融资 B. 股权融资 C. 债权融资 D. 资产销售融资 [简答题]《防止电力生产事故的二十五项重点要求》:防止触电事故中对电气 作业人员个人防护用品要求?
男性,54岁,因发现左侧肩胛区包块伴胸背部疼痛3个月就诊,查体:肝脾不大,血常规未见异常。胸X线片见肋骨、肩胛骨、胸椎多处溶骨性破坏。血清蛋白电泳出现窄底高峰,尿蛋白(+++)。 局部包块活检后发现原始浆细胞为进一步明确诊断,下一步需要的检查是()A. 肝功能 B. 骨髓检查 C. 磁共振 D. 腰椎MRI E. B超 [多选题]《煤矿安全规程》规定,采煤机停止工作或检修时,必须(AC)。
A.切断电源 B.先巡视采煤机四周有无人员 C.打开离合器 D.合上离合器 [单选题]龈炎诊断要点如下,错误的是
A.龈出血 B.龈肿胀 C.形成真性牙周袋 D.牙不松动 E.无牙槽骨吸收 [判断题]固体可燃物必须经过受热、蒸发、热分解、固体上方可燃气体的浓度,达到燃烧极限,才能持续不间断地发生燃烧.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]已知a=00111000B和b=2FH,则两者比较的正确不等式是( ).
A.a>b B.a=b C.aD.不能比较 [名词解释]古尔邦节
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