From the 1960s, international terrorist
crimes, such as the hijacking of passenger aircraft, political assassinations
and kidnappings, and urban bombings, constituted a growing phenomenon of
increasing concern, especially to Western governments. Most terrorist
groups are associated either with millenarian revolutionary movements on an
international scale (such as some Marxist organizations) or with nationalist
movements of particular ethnic, religious, or other cultural focus. Three broad categories of terrorist crime may be distinguished, not in legal terms, but by intention. Foremost is the use of violence and the threat of violence to create public fear. This may be done by making random attacks to injure or kill anyone who happens to be in the vicinity when an attack takes place. Because such crimes deny by virtue of their A. rarely kills innocent bystanders B. never injures persons irresponsible positions C. is sometimes done by making random attacks D. is exclusively directed to heads of state and members of governments [多选题]( )轨道交通15号线的综合监控系统【ISCS】总体架构采用( )。
A.主备结构 B.冗余结构 C.分层结构 D.分布式C/S结构 E.TCP/IP协议 [多选题]无人机在建筑火灾现场救援有哪些注意事项( )
A.无明火、有照明,热成像效果不及变焦相机 B.存在系留无人机的作业场景,需要严格注意区分空域, C.尽可能手动作业,注意电量,手动返航 D.多台飞机同空域作业,需要有人协调,错开高度或者空域,不可随意变换作业高度 [简答题]对于下列哪些情形()金融机构应严格审查异常开户情形,有权拒绝开户,必要时应当拒绝开户。
[简答题]有限空间内气体取样和检测应由( )进行。
[单选题]煤矿安全监管监察部门检查发现的重大隐患由煤矿及属地( )予以挂牌督办。
A.人民政府 B.煤矿安全监管部门 C.煤矿安全监察部门 D.煤矿行业主管部门 [单选题] 涡街流量计是应用( )来测量流量的。
A.流体振荡原理 B.流体节流原理 C.容积计量方法 D.能量计量方法 [多选题]哪些道岔辙叉号数选择应不得小于12号。( )
A.侧向接发停车旅客列车的单开道岔,不得小于12号 B.侧向接发停车货物列车并位于正线的单开道岔,不得小于12号 C.列车轴重大于25t的铁路正线单开道岔不得小于12号 D.狭窄的站场采用交分道岔不得小于9号,但尽量不用于正线,必须采用时不得小于12号。 我来回答: 提交