Crossing Wesleyan University’s campus
usually requires walking over colorful messages chalked on the ground. They can
be as innocent as meeting announcements, but in a growing number of cases the
language is meant to shock. It’s not uncommon, for instance, to see lewd
references to professors’ sexual preferences scrawled across a path or the
mention of the word "Nig" that African-American students say make them feel
uncomfortable. In response, officials and students at schools are now debating ways to lead their communities away from forms of expression that offend or harass (侵扰). In the process, they’re putting up against the difficulties of regulating speech at institutions that pride themselves on fostering open debate. Mr. Bennet of Wesleyan says he had gotten used to seeing occasional chalkings filled with four-letter words. Campus tradition m A. has gotten used to seeing messages on the billboard B. thinks that it is not acceptable to have chalkings on the ground in an institution of higher learning C. is looking for a good policy which can guide the way of students’ message posting D. has decided to chalk some messages to fight against the harassing ones [判断题]组织、参加旨在反对党的领导、反对社会主义制度或者敌视政府等组织的,对策划者、组织者和骨干分子,给予留党察看处分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 计算机中数据的表示形式是( ).
A.八进制 B.十进制 C.二进制 D.十六进制 [单项选择]下列虚基类的声明中,正确的是( )。
A. class virtual B: public A B. virtual class B: public A C. class B: public A virtual D. class B: virtual public A [名词解释]自行回避
[单选题]压力表的表盘直径不能太小,如果压力表距离观察地点超过2米时,压力表的表盘直径最小不能小于( )mm。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.250 [多选题]1连墙件设置要求有()。
A.偏离主节点的距离不应大于300mm B.偏离主节点的距离不应大于600mm C.宜靠近主节点设置 D.应从脚手架底层第一步纵向水平杆处开始设置 E.应在脚手架底层第二步纵向水平杆处开始设置 [简答题]以南宁2号线为例,LCD动态地图用于显示运营线路站点信息,包括当前站、下一站、终点站、到站、开门侧等信息。
[单选题]假设某台式计算机的内存储器容量为256MB,硬盘容量为40GB,硬盘容量是内存容量的( )。
A.200倍 B.160倍 C.120倍 D.100倍 [多选题]陷落柱的地表出露特征有( )
A.A.盆状塌陷# B..丘状凸起# C...柱状破碎带# D..地表黄土层产生滑坡# E..表层黄土出现圆形陷坑 [单项选择]疮疡未成脓表现为()。
A. 边硬顶软 B. 患处坚硬 C. 漫肿平塌 D. 红肿热痛 E. 肿处烙手 [单选题]在金属设备内和特别潮湿作业场所作业,安全行灯电压应为( ),且绝缘性能良好
A.A、12V B.B、24V C.C、36V D.D、无 我来回答: 提交