The procedures followed by scholars
studying literature are often unsatisfactory: the control over a cognitive
project as a whole is often lost. The literary scholar seems to be collecting
data, which is a preliminary operation, without making use of them. Like a
diligent ant gathering food it will never eat, the contemporary literary scholar
seems intent upon writing footnotes of a book s/he will never try to
read. I propose that at the outset of a research project it is necessary to render explicitly the questions the scholar will try to answer, what methods will be used and the reason why s/he thinks that it may be worthwhile answering such questions. More over, the work of the people concerned with the study of literature seems casual. For instance, much research is devoted to one author, often on the occasion of an annivers A. previous authors written about by others. B. earlier scholars who wrote comparative literary works. C. earlier methods for research. D. repeats of research. [单选题]《安全生产事故隐患排查治理暂行规定》,安全监管监察部门应当每( )将本行政区域重大事故隐患的排查治理情况和统计分析表逐级报至省级安全监管监察部门备案。
A.天 B.周 C.月 D.季 [单项选择]国防科委主任张爱萍亲自挥笔命名为“银河”,并题诗一首:“亿万星辰汇银河,世人难知有几多。神机妙算巧安排,笑向繁星任高歌。”对其解读正确的是()
A. 中国航天科技步入世界先进行列 B. 中国航天人流下了许多辛勤的汗水 C. 中国每秒运算亿次的巨型计算机问世 D. 21世纪初中国取得的这一科技成果令人倍受鼓舞 [多选题]关于夜间实施城乡排涝作业,下面描述正确的是( )。
A. 杜绝单独行动 B. 不得随地休整 C. 做好现场照明 D. 防止蛇虫叮咬 [多选题]以下关于绝缘遮蔽用具的使用要求,正确的是( )。
A.外表面应标明允许作业人员接触的区域 B.对于直接接触带电体的遮蔽用具,只能发生“擦过式”接触 C.对于不直接接触带电体的绝缘隔离用具,其层间绝缘水平加上它与带电体之间空气间隙的绝缘强度应能承受带电作业中可能出现的最大操作过电压 D.直接接触带电体的绝缘遮蔽用具多层防护下可视作主绝缘 [单选题]钢丝绳的固定常采用绳卡,绳卡由绳卡滑鞍和U型螺栓扣两个成对零件组成,为了固定可靠,绳卡的数量不得少于3个,随钢丝绳直径增加,绳卡数量也相应增多。正确的卡法是( )。
A.所有绳卡的滑鞍都在长边,U型螺栓扣都在短边 B.所有绳卡的U型螺栓扣都在长边,绳卡滑鞍都在短边 C.相邻绳卡反正交错 [单选题]电机一个线圈两个有效边之间的跨距,称为线圈的(____)
A.节距 B.电角度 C.槽距角 D.极距 [单项选择]《知识经济与科教兴国》是()的演讲标题。
A. 直接揭示主题型 B. 直接揭示内容范围型 C. 思考问题型 D. 提出问题型 [名词解释]犯满
正确 错误 A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Through the comparison between private cars and public transport, it is ______ to expect people to give up private cam in favor of mass transit.
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