An English-schoolboy would only ask his
friend: "Wassa time, then " To his teacher he would be much more likely to speak
in a more standardized accent and ask: "Excuse me, sir, may I have the correct
time please " People are generally aware that the phrases and expressions they
use are different from those of earlier generations; but they concede less that
their own behavior also varies according to the situation in which they find
themselves. Not only this, but in many cases, the way someone speak affects the response of the person to whom he is speaking in such a way that "modeling" is seen to occur. This is what Michael Argyle has called "response matching". Several studies have shown that the more one reveals about oneself in ordinary conversation, and the more intimate these details are, the more personal secret A. wives of high ranked official are usually very pride to poor people B. modeling is not the only way people respond in different situations C. there is a distinct speech difference between rich people and the poor D. the poor tend to pretend to be well-educated in front of the rich [单选题]GPRS终端不能上线的原因可能是( )。(Ⅱ级)
A.通讯模块损坏 B.GPRS信号弱 C.通讯参数设置不正确 D.以上都有可能 [单项选择]()压力开关是空压机管理的后备装置。
A. B09 B. B05 C. A03 D. A08 [单选题](单选题). 药物纯度合格是指( )
A.符合分析纯的要求 B.不超过该药物杂质最高限量的规定 C.绝对不存在杂质 D.对病人无害 [简答题]46.《铁路技术管理规程》车体异状允许限度表规定重车的货车车体倾斜允许限度是()mm。
[单项选择]某女,36岁。腰部疼痛,右侧痛重,腰部肌肉僵硬,舌质淡暗,边有瘀点。针灸治疗除主穴外,应加取( )
A. 膈俞 B. 肾俞 C. 太冲 D. 足三里 E. 腰阳关 [单项选择]随着科学技术的发展,人机交流已经成为现实,这其中的关键是脑几链接口技术。所谓脑机接口,就是连接大脑与计算机之间的信息系统,可让大脑直接和计算机沟通。脑机接口可以从大脑传递信息到计算机,又可以从计算机传递信息进入大脑。根据上述定义,下列应用不属于脑机接口技术的是()
A. 某游戏玩家的大脑植入一部装置,通过该装置用意念控制机械手,端起杯子喝茶 B. 某游戏玩家佩戴一套义肢设备,经过多次练习,凭着坚强意志力,实现行走 C. 某游戏玩家佩戴一种脸部饰品,饰品根据佩戴者的情绪变化作出相应的指示动作 D. 某游泳玩家戴上一套高科技耳机,集中注意力,通过精神控制小球躲避障碍 [单项选择]某水电厂高压厂用电系统采用10kV级电压和单母线分段接线,有关配电装置应如何考虑。
配电装置宜选用的型式是( )。 A. 装配式; B. 开启式固定开关柜; C. 箱型固定开关柜; D. 手车式(或中置式)开关柜。 [单选题]:下列关于会计人员工作交接的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.会计人员在临时离职或因其他原因暂时不能工作时,应办理会计工作交接 B.一般会计人员办理交接手续,由会计机构负责人监交 C.接管人员应继续使用移交前的账簿,不得擅自另立账簿 D.接替人员在交接时因疏忽没有发现所接会计资料在合法性.真实性方面的问题而在事后发现,应有接替人员负责 [单选题]一个采区内同一煤层布置()以上回采工作面同时作业的属于重大隐患。
A.二个 B.三个 C.四个 D.五个 [简答题]听到响墩的爆炸声或看到火炬信号的火光时司机应如何处理?
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