Every year gray whales migrate from the
Bering Sea in Alaska to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. Eleven gray whales have died in the San Francisco Bay in the last three weeks. No one knows why the whales are dying. Last year 270 whales died along the whales’ migration route. Many people think starvation is the cause. This year the dead whales seem to have more blubber (fat) on them. Twenty years ago, the gray whale was listed as an endangered species. Some scientists think that the larger number of whales makes it hard to find enough food. More whales create more pressure on the food supply, a supply that some scientists say may have dwindled as a result of the warm waters of El Nino. Most of the whales have been dead for many days before they are found and studied. This makes it hard to find the reason for death A. There’s not enough room for them in Alaska. B. There may not be enough food for them in Alaska. C. They get pushed ashore. D. There are more whales to spread disease. [判断题]矛盾双方只是对立不可能统一。()
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A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交