{{B}}{{/I}} Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following talk about how to make friends. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11 to 13.{{/B}}{{/I}} |
Eta Carinae{{/B}} As possibly the galaxy’s (银河) most massive star, Eta Carinae is now engaging in some very unusual behaviour. Australian astronomers, being in the Southern Hemisphere (半球), are able to observe it clearly. In the 19th century, Eta Carinae was for a time the third brightest star in the sky. It has now become less bright so that binoculars (双筒望远镜) are needed to see it. "It seems to be brightening and becoming less bright over a period of many years", said Dr Bob Duncan from the Australia Telescope National Facility. While it is not unusual for stars to vary in brightness, the period is usually much shorter. "Since 1992 it has become four times brighter, and then last year it began to drop dramatically," he s A. it is in its final stage. B. it is a supernova. C. it exploded in 1987. D. it is brighter than the Sun. [简答题]简述体位引流的注意事项及终止体位引流的指征。
A. 18世纪-1950年 B. 1950-1987年 C. 1987年-现在 D. 1957-1980年 [单选题]婴儿呼吸袋不得使用( )清洗。
A.有机溶剂或腐蚀性清洁产品 B.清水 C.弱酸性洗涤剂 D.弱碱性洗涤剂 [简答题]甲(27岁)和乙(15岁)经过预谋,于2002年4月16日下午伺机行窃。当见到被害人李红在摊位上买菜时,乙示意甲掩护,甲即站在李红跟前假装买菜,乙从李红的裤兜里窃取了200元钱,然后迅速离去。当李红发现被窃时,就将站在身后的甲抓住。甲为了逃脱,就掏出尖刀朝李红连刺数刀,将李红刺伤。甲逃到他的朋友丙家躲藏。丙知道甲犯罪事实之后,就将甲送往外地隐藏。在甲躲藏期间,丙三次前去看望,并资助他500元的生活费用。
[单选题]电缆沟槽开挖应采取防止土层( )的措施。
A.塌方 B.移动 C.下沉 D.滑落 [判断题]为了保证工件的加工精度 , 必须保证所用夹具的高精度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在螺纹道钉硫磺锚固作业中,用粗砂将孔底封死并捣固,净留孔深不小于( )mm。
A.100 B.140 C.180 D.160 [简答题]小学语文教学有哪些规律?
A. 诃子 B. 五味子 C. 覆盆子 D. 女贞子 E. 菟丝子 [单选题]常用作注射剂的抗氧剂的是:
A.碳酸氢钠 B.氯化钠 C.亚硫酸钠 D.枸橼酸钠 [单选题]在单缝夫琅和费衍射实验中,屏上第三级明纹对应的缝间的波阵面,可划分半波带的数目为:
A.5个 B.6个 C.7个 D.8个 我来回答: 提交