"Where is the university" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings, libraries, museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges.
Cambridge was already a developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived about 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875.
In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has a population (人口) of over 100,000. Many young students want to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over
A. After 875.
B. After 1845.
C. After 1951.
Children have been said to have
brain-injured child syndrome, hyperactive (极度活跃的) child syndrome and
attention-deficit disorder (ADD). As early as the 1940’s, psychiatrists have{{U}}
(67) {{/U}}children with hyperactivity and extremely distracted and
impulsive (冲动的). These frequent name changes show how{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}researchers are about the causes{{U}} (69) {{/U}}the problem
and the diagnostic criteria for the disorders. In the past several years, the
people who{{U}} (70) {{/U}}attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
(ADHD) have{{U}} (71) {{/U}}to clarify the disorder’s causes and{{U}}
(72) {{/U}}, and have reasons to believe that it may be genetic.
Today’s view{{U}} (73) {{/U}}this disorder is very different from the
beliefs of just a few years ago. Researchers are finding that ADHD is not a
disorder of just attention, but is A. labeled B. treated C. regarded D. handled [单选题]能防范重放攻击的技术是( )。
A.加密 B.数字签名 C.数字证书 D.时间戳 [多项选择]氟西汀的靶症状包括()
A. 抑郁情绪 B. 焦虑 C. 动力和兴趣缺乏 D. 睡眠障碍 E. 认知障碍 [单项选择]《建筑法》总则规定,建筑活动应当符合建筑工程()标准。
A. 质量 B. 安全 C. 设计 D. 施工 [单选题]( )是家庭业务销售的重要区域,应结合家庭宽带电视业务、数字家庭产品,以现有渠道改造转型为主,盲区补点为辅。
A.商圈 B.学校 C.社区 D.乡镇 [简答题]影响水泥凝结硬化的因素有哪些?并分别简述影响原理。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]876.()螺杆泵的局限性:一是定子寿命短,检泵次数多;二是泵需要润滑;三是操作技术要求较高。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]There is no "divinity in man" because _________.
A. man has rejected God B. man is the slave and prisoner of his own opinion of himself C. the average man cannot compete with the large business interests D. most men choose menial vocations for themselves [简答题]所属知识 : -> 电工技师理论知识 -> 专业知识 -> 使用仪器 -> 避雷器的性能与型号
氧化锌避雷器设计成有间隙结构,使其具备保护性能好、重量轻、尺寸小的特征。 [单选题]结核分枝杆菌引起机体的免疫是
A.抗菌免疫 B.体液免疫 C.局部免疫 D.抗毒素免疫 E.感染免疫 [单选题]票据行为必须按照法定记载事项和记载方法记载于票据上并签章,这种规定体现的就是票据行为的( )。
A.要式性 B.无因性 C.文义性 D.强制性 [单选题]变电站主变发生跳闸事故时,监控员应加强对运行主变负荷、温度及冷却器运行情况及全站站用系统、直流系统的监视。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单项选择]男性,65岁,2~3年来劳累时心慌气短,有时夜间憋醒,咳嗽。1年来腹胀,胃堵,尿少,浮肿。一直服用呋塞米与地高辛治疗,1周来上感后症状加重,心悸,纳差。查体,血压130/80mmHg(17.3/10.7kPa)。心界扩大,心尖区舒张期雷鸣样杂音与3/6级收缩期吹风样杂音,心率68次/分,期前收缩,二联律,双肺底少许湿性啰音,颈静脉怒张,肝肋下3cm,脾未及,双下肢浮肿。该病例的心脏病诊断是()。
A. 老年退行性心脏瓣膜病 B. 风湿性心脏病 C. 冠心病 D. 扩张型心肌病 E. 先天性心脏病 我来回答: 提交