Social psychologists arc used to
hearing that their experiments are a waste of time because they just prove the
obvious, and tell us what we always knew. But there is a very simple and
effective riposte to this accusation. The trouble with folk-wisdom (what we
always knew) is that it tends to come in pairs of statements, both of which are
obviously’ true, but which—unfortunately—are mutually exclusive. For example,
birds of a feather flock together, but what about the attraction of opposites
Experiments may not be as much fun as intuitions, but they sometimes tell us
which proverbs are actually true, or (moor often) in what circumstances which
apply. There is one other preconception to be removed before tackling the question of whom we like and love, whom we find attractive and make friends with: "Why bother to study an area in wh A. computer dating agencies are not reliable B. computer dating agencies try to match partners on the basis of similarities C. a friend in need is a friend indeed D. a friend to everybody is a friend to nobody [单选题]《安徽农村商业银行系统流动资金贷款管理办法》规定,贷款人应根据借款人( ),合理确定流动资金贷款限额。
A.A、日常生产经营所需营运资金 B.B、现有流动资金 C.C、流动资金缺口 D.D、投资所需资金 [判断题]坚持“多线并进.加强首批”的指导思想,积极疏散和营救被困人员,在确保自身安全的前提下有效控制和消灭火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]车轴齿轮箱采用上、下箱立扣于一起,起 防漏 的作用,防止主、从动齿轮因缺油造成非正常磨耗。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]政治坚定是消防官兵必须具备的根本政治素质和要求,也是消防官兵应该遵循的首要的职业道德。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]包裹应随旅客所乘列车运送或提前运送。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](类别:号段管理 难度:中等)需求的基线文件产生的时间是 。( )
A.系统设计开始 B.需求评审通过后 C.需求分析完成 D.需求文档完成 [单项选择]牙冠折,牙冠缺损1/4,未露髓,金属烤瓷冠修复。粘固2个月后出现自发痛,冷热刺激加重。最可能的原因是()。
A. 急性牙髓炎 B. 慢性根尖周炎 C. 慢性牙周炎 D. 创伤性咬合 E. 牙本质过敏 [单项选择]下列关于暗示对心理诊断影响的阐述,错误的是( )。
A. 咨询者的期望效应通常通过言语方面的暗示对来访者产生影响 B. 来访者为了取悦咨询者,会报告了一些符合咨询者期望获得的信息 C. 暗示会使诊断资料产生偏差 D. 暗示的结果会影响诊断的客观性与科学性 [单项选择]在旅游产品生命周期的介绍期,旅游地旅游者的主要类型是()。
A. 保守型 B. 中间型 C. 近保守型 D. 开放型 [单选题]机电硐室内应设置温度传感器,报警值为()。
A.26℃ B.30℃ C.32℃ D.34℃ [多选题]以下哪些属于铅基轴承合金( )
A.ZSnSb11Cu6 B.ZPbSb10Sn6 C.ZSnSB8Cu4 D.ZCuAl10Fe3 [单选题] 下列哪种组织细胞把葡萄糖作为唯一能利用的能源物质
A.肝脏 B.红细胞 C.脑细胞 D.脂肪组织 E.肌肉组织 [简答题]108t电动轮轮边减速器太阳轮的齿数为15,大行星轮的齿数为66,小行星轮的齿数为14,内齿环齿数为87。试计算各级传动及总传动比。
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