1946年,世界上第一台计算机{{U}} (131)
{{/U}},这个庞然大物{{U}} (132) {{/U}}了一个电脑时代。从那时候起,人们不断革新、创造,把庞然大物的体积{{U}}
(133) {{/U}}减再减,现在我们所见的台式电脑、{{U}} (134)
{{/U}}电脑等都是老电脑的后代。这一切取决于电子管技术向大规模集成电路再向超大规模集成电路的{{U}} (135)
{{/U}},{{U}} (136)
{{/U}},科学家们认为,超大规模集成电路的小型化已经到了接近极限的程度,要由此再进一步已非常困难。 解决之路在哪里呢 生物技术是一个方面。科学家们发现,生物分子之间{{U}} (137) {{/U}}着化学和物理作用的规律,在分子的{{U}} (138) {{/U}}作用过程中,一些生物大分子形成了生物电路,这种生物电路具有{{U}} (139) {{/U}}于计算机的信息处理、传输甚至逻辑运算能力,所以人们{{U}} (140) {{/U}}具备这种有机物的计算机叫做生物电脑,这已经是第五代计算机了。 |
American hopes that pressure from the
US will force Japan to suddenly dismantle its trade barriers are almost certain
to evaporate in disappointment. The fact is that Washington faces an obstacle
far more formidable than a few power brokers in Tokyo’s government offices. It’s
not in line with the centuries-old, deep-ingrained Japanese customs. To move the
Japanese government, Washington government must move an entire nation. So far
the US has had only limited success despite congressional threats to retaliate.
In an April 9 nationwide broadcast, Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone urged the
Japanese to buy more imported goods and unveiled a long-awaited three-year plan
to ease import restrictions. But this program was far short of what Washington
hoped to see. White House Chief of Staff Donald Regan said the Japa A. the rapid development of the Japanese economy B. tradition, culture, and a deeply rooted bureaucracy C. the Japanese determination to keep up its surplus D. the Japanese political intentions and their trade policies [判断题]用差压法测液位,启动变送器时应先打开平衡阀和正负压阀中的一个阀,然后关闭平衡阀,开启另一个阀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] " 为预防雷电以及临近高压电力线作业时的感应电,应按电网建设《安规》要求装设( )。
" A.导线 B.接地线 C.金属线 D.避雷线 [判断题]统计执法检查作为一种行政执法活动,具有严肃性、权威性和国家强制性。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
Frank Lloyd Wright probably is the greatest architect that the United States has ever produced. He was very (21) and had a natural ability (22) . His buildings were not only beautiful, but they were (23) functional. They fit their purposes very well. Wright’s churches, (24) make people feel like (25) . His office buildings make people (26) working, and his houses make people (27) comfortable, at home. However. Wright’s beautiful, (28) buildings are not the only reason (29) he is famous. There is another reason. [多项选择]先煎15~25分钟,煎汤代水的中药是()
A. 灶心土 B. 葫芦壳 C. 旋覆花 D. 枇杷叶 E. 金钱白花蛇 [单选题]具有疏肝解郁、调经止痛功效的药物是( )。
A.木香 B.香附 C.陈皮 D.沉香 E.川芎 我来回答: 提交