Text 4 The world is undergoing tremendous changes. The rise of globalization, both an economic and cultural trend that has swept throughout the world, has forged new ground as we enter the 21st century. But are the effects of globalization always positive Some say no. Michael Tenet, head of the International Institute for Foreign Relations in Atlanta, is worried about current resentment throughout the world toward the rise of globalization. "Ever since the 1980s and the economic collapse of the Asian Tigers in the late 1990s, there has been a re-evaluation of the role of globalization as a force for good," he said. "Incomes in many countries has declined and the gap between the most rich and the most poor has been aggravated. Without further intervention by governments, we could see a tragedy expressed in an increased level of poverty throughout the Latin America and Asia." Yet George Frank, an influential economist who wo
A. identical.
B. similar.
C. complementary.
D. opposite.
据统计,1985年北京市建筑企业共完成总产值47.2亿元,比上年增长31. 5%(扣除价格因素的影响,实际增长22.2%。)其中,中央在京施工企业完成8.2亿元,比上年增长28%,地方全民所有制施工企业完成24.1亿元,比上年增长24.4%,特别是地方集体所有制施工企业发展更快,完成总产值14.9亿元,比上年增长47.3%。全市建筑企业按总产值计算的全员劳动生产率为7743元,比上年提高13.4%(扣除价格因素影响则提高6%)。全员平均产值达到万元以上的企业,由上年的 20个增加到55个,市建筑工程总公司所属二公司、四公司和设备安装公司,门头沟区建筑公司,市水利工程二处,水利机械施工处等12个企业的全员劳动生产率超过了15000元。
扣除价格因素影响,北京市1985年建筑企业总产值比1984年实际增长多少() One key question for the next century
is how we will provide energy in an environmentally sound way. As living standards rise in the developing world, energy consumption will increase. As a result, many countries are now opening the door for private investment in a sector that used to be solely the preserve of government. In the developed world too, the move is towards the deregulation end privatization of electricity generation and distribution. There is also a trend towards locally-generated energy, particularly in the developing world. Factories and shopping centers may one day have their own power sources. Progress is also being made in minimising the environmental impact of energy production and consumption. A motor car today puts out perhaps 5 percent of the pollution a new car did in 1970. We can produce clean po A. Increased knowledge may well fuel a rising demand for travel. B. People today have become very attached to their automobiles. C. The fuel cell is at the top of the list of alternative technologies. D. The Internet will have great impact on transportation. [单选题]100 kV·A及以下的变压器外壳接地电阻为( )。
A.4Q B.8 Q C.10Q D.0.5 Q [单项选择]《诗经》所收之诗,大致产生于()。
A. 西周初年至战国 B. 西周初年至春秋中叶 C. 春秋至战国 D. 整个周代 [多选题](多选题)216.就个体高危因素控制策略而言,主要是针对哪些人的个体化教育()。
A.高血压 B.血脂异常 C.肥胖及吸烟 D.酗酒 E.精神障碍 我来回答: 提交