简述施工期固体废物影响分析及防治措施。 |
There are many medical problems in the
modern society. One of the most alarming medical problems in the world is a
{{U}} (21) {{/U}} disease named HIV virus. This kind of virus is first
{{U}} (22) {{/U}} twenty years ago. It weakens the body and develops
fully blown AIDS. AIDS is not obvious in the early stage. Sometimes symptoms
occur within a few weeks after {{U}} (23) {{/U}}. They are often
flu-like, such as {{U}} (24) {{/U}}, fever, headache, diarrhea and night
sweats. The three main {{U}} (25) {{/U}} routes of HIV are sexual contact, exposure to infected body fluids or tissues and from mother to {{U}} (26) {{/U}} or child during perinatal period. This kind of virus can always {{U}} (27) {{/U}} so A. identified B. diagnosed C. examined D. recognized [多项选择]在我国,司法机关的监督,包括有( )。
A. 审判机关的监督 B. 检察机关的监督 C. 司法行政机关的监督 D. 公安机关的监督 [判断题]在电气化区段上,在同一地点同时更换两股钢轨或夹板,必须先通知供电部门采取安全措施后,方准作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]CR300AF型动车组,牵引变流器位于1、3、6、8车厢。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]班级授课制有哪些优点?
A. B. C. D. [多选题]下列属于作业场所安全防护措施的有()。
A.防辐射、防静电设施 B.防噪音、通风(除尘、排毒)设施 C.上下通道爬梯 D.防滑、防灼烫设施 E.防护栏(网) [单选题] 在热力网系统全停时,加热器水侧与汽侧分别充入( ),用来防止腐蚀。[1.0分]
A. 低压水与高压水 B. 压力水与氮气 C. 氮气与压力水 D. 软化水与蒸汽 [填空题]世界上第一位专职旅行代理商是()的托马斯·库克。
A.结晶性菲醌类化合物 B.环烯醚萜类化合物 C.挥发油及生物碱 D.三萜类化合物及皂苷 E.黄酮类化合物 [单选题]在客户设备上工作,许可工作前工作负责人应检查确认客户设备的运行状态、安全措施符合作业的安全要求。作业前检查()和有自备电源的客户已采取机械或电气联锁等防反送电的强制性技术措施。
A.多电源 B.单电源 C.蓄电池 D.发电机 E./ F./ G./ H./ [多选题] 塔机基础的设计应按( )的荷载分别单独计算。 ( )
A.独立状态下的工作状态 B.独立状态下的非工作状态 C.附着状态下的工作状态 D.附着状态下的非工作状态 [单选题]对于办公用房出现闲置且预计闲置状态超过( )个月的,可以将具备出租条件的闲置办公用房按资产管理相关规定出租,并按相关要求核算。
A.1 B.3 C.5 D.6 [多选题]搬运、拆装重物时,每人负重一般不得超过50 kg,做到( )。
A.单一指挥 B.呼唤应答 C.同起同落 D.统一指挥 [单选题]放射线损伤引起白细胞中哪类细胞的形态和数量改变最为明显:
A.中性粒细胞 B.嗜酸性粒细胞 C.嗜碱性粒细胞 D.单核细胞 E.淋巴细胞 [判断题](47249)( )钢轨折断不插入短轨原位焊复时,无缝线路锁定轨温将发生改变。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Adult Education
1 Voluntary learning in organized courses by mature men and women is called adult education.Such education is offered to make people able to enlarge and interpret their experience as adults.Adults may want to study something which they missed in earlier schooling,get new skills or job training,find out new technological developments,seek better self-understanding,or develop new talents and skills. 2 This kind of education may be in the form of self-study with proper guidance through the use of libraries,correspondence courses,or broadcasting.It may also be acquired collectively in schools and colleges,study groups,workshops,clubs,and professional associations. 3 Modern adult education for large numbers of people started in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the Industrial Revolution.Great economic and social changes were taking place:people were moving from rural areas to cities;new types of work were being created in an expanding factory system.These and other factors produced a need for further education and reeducation of adults. 4 The earliest programs of organized adult education arose in Great Britain in the 179Os,with the founding of an adult school in Nottingham and a mechanics institute in Glasgow.The earliest adult education institution in the United States was founded by Benjamin Franklin and some friends in Philadelphia in 1727. 5 People recognize that continued learning is necessary for most forms of employment today.For example,parts of the adult population in many countries find it necessary to take part in retraining programs at work or even to learn completely new jobs.Adult education programs are springing up constantly to meet these and other needs. Some adults want to learn______. A.by social and economic changes B.guided self-study and correspondence courses C.by studying together with children D.what they did not manage to learn earlier E.dates back to the eighteenth century F.mass production [判断题]《上海铁路局旅客列车车窗玻璃破损应急处置办法》(上铁辆〔2015〕163号)规定:列车调度员接到普速旅客或动车组列车司机请求停车的报告后,要立即安排列车在前方车站侧线停车,并安排破损车窗侧停靠站台。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交