With the understanding of phobias has
come a magic bag of treatments: exposure therapy that can stomp out a lifetime
phobia in a single six-hour session; virtual-reality programs that can safely
simulate the thing the phobia most fears, slowly stripping it of its power to
terrorize; new medications that can snuff the brain’s phobic spark before it can
catch. In the past year, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first drug—an existing antidepressant. Most psychologists now assign phobias to one of the three broad categories: social phobias, in which the sufferer feels paralyzing fear at the prospect of social or professional encounters; panic disorders, in which the person is periodically {{U}}blindsided{{/U}} by overwhelming fear for no apparent reason; and specific phobias—fear of snakes and enclosed spaces and heights A. you should get a specific object to fight back all other objects of fear B. it is beneficial for you to decide a single object of fear C. a single object you choose as a phobia may help stop other fears D. a single object you choose as a phobia can stand for fear in your life [单项选择]气管异物,无症状或仅有轻微症状,如轻微咳嗽、轻度呼吸困难,属于()。
A. 异物进入期 B. 安静期 C. 刺激或炎症期 D. 并发症期 E. 以上皆不是 [单项选择]“荔枝腰花”中配料笋尖、青椒的形状,较适宜的是()。
A. 长形条 B. 圆形球 C. 方形块 D. 菱形片 [多选题]对于城乡规划区内的输变电工程,应及早将电网规划内的( )纳入城乡经济社会发展规划,并将工作成果作为工程可行性研究的基础。
A.变电站站址 B.输电走廊通道 C.配电变压器 [单项选择]TCP/IP的互联层采用IP协议,它相当于OSI参考模型中网络层的______。
A. 面向无连接网络服务 B. 面向连接网络服务 C. 传输控制协议 D. 25协议 [单选题]钢筋速断器刀头可旋转( )度。
A.45 B.90 C.180 D.360 [判断题]旅客在乘车区间中,要求一段乘坐硬座车,一段乘坐软座车时,全程发售软座车票。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交