There is much discussion today about whether economic growth is desirable. At an earlier period, our desire for material wealth may have been justified. Now, however, this desire for more than we need is causing serious problem. Even though we have good intentions, we may be producing too much, too fast.
Those who criticize economic growth argue that we must slow down. They believe that society is approaching certain limits on growth. These include the fixed supply of natural resources, the possible negative effects of industry on the natural environment, and the continuing increase in the world’s population. As society reaches these limits, economic growth can no longer continue, and the quality of life will decrease.
People who want more economic growth, on the other hand, argue that even at the present growth rather there are still many poor people in the world. These proponents of economic growth believe that only more growth can create the capital neede
A. the author describes the case as it is
B. the author is for economic growth
C. the author is against continued economic growth
D. the author is very much worried about the problems caused by continued economic growth
In January 1995, the world witnessed
the emergence of a new international economic order with the launching of the
World Trade Organization. The WTO, which succeeds, the GATT, is expected to
strengthen the world trading system and to be more effective than the GATT in
governing international trade in goods and services in many ways. First, worldwide trade liberalization is expected to increase via the dramatic reductions in trade barriers to which the members of the WTO are committed. Under the WTO, members are required to reduce their tariff and non-tariffs on manufacturing goods. In addition, protecting domestic agricultural sectors from foreign competition will become extremely difficult in the new WTO system. Second, rules and regulations governing international trade will be more strongly enforced. Under the ol A. WTO has made good preparation for liberalization of international trade in service. B. WTO ensures effective settlement of trade dispute. C. Under WTO, regulations concerning international trade can be more strongly enforced. D. WTO covers the issue of intellectual property rights. [多选题]醚化反应器床层温度偏低,应怎样调节( )
A.提高预热器蒸汽量,提高进料温度 B.降低循环水流量 C.提高循环温度 D.控制醇烯比在一定控制范围 [单项选择]适用于伴发躯体病及老年病人的抗精神病药物是()
A. 氯丙嗪 B. 奋乃静 C. 氟哌啶醇 D. 三氟拉嗪 [判断题]国家机关政务网络的运营者不履行《网络安全法》规定的网络安全保护义务的,由其同级机关或者有关机关责令改正,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法给予处分。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]动态检车员利用铁路货车运行安全监控系统进行的列车()技术检查。
A.不停车 B.停车 C.质量 D.安全 [单项选择]鸽的采血方法()
A. 耳中央动脉采血 B. 摘眼球采血 C. 隐静脉采血 D. 翼根静脉采血 E. 足静脉采血 我来回答: 提交