Everyone needs to sleep. If we don’t
sleep enough, we often feel tired and irritable (易怒的).It seems there are two
purposes of sleep: physical rest and emotional rest. We need to rest our bodies
and our minds. Both are important in order for us to be healthy. Each night we alternate (交替) between two kinds of sleep: active sleep and passive sleep. The passive sleep gives our body the rest that is needed, and prepares us for active sleep, in which dreaming occurs. In passive sleep, the body is at rest. The heart slows down. The body processes become very slow. We move very little. And the brain becomes very inactive. If a person continues to sleep, she or he enters a new stage, a more active stage. The body goes thro, gh several changes: the brain temperature rises, the amount of blood in brain increases, the body becomes very still A. We have about the same amount of passive sleep and active sleep. B. We usually have less passive sleep than active sleep. C. Passive sleep is often followed by active sleep. D. Passive sleep comes after active sleep. [单选题]在行政职务上构成隶属关系时,行政职务高的是首长又是上级,行政职务低的是部属又是下级,部属的上一级首长是()
A.A、上级 B.B、单位首长 C.C、间接首长 D.D、直接首长 [单选题] 浮筒液位计安装时要保证垂直度,通常上下偏差不过( )。
A.±2.0mm B.±1.5mm C.±1.0mm D.±0.5mm [单项选择]
男性,31岁。诉周期性高热3个月,抗生素治疗无效。体检:左颈、两侧腋窝和腹股沟部位可触及数个黄豆和蚕豆大小淋巴结,脾肋下4cm。RBC4.0×1012/L,HGB90g/L,WBC4.6×109/L,PLT72×10/L,ESR84mm/h,骨髓涂片查见淋巴肉瘤细胞10%。 常用的化疗方案是()A. VDP B. MOPP C. HD/DA D. CHOP E. ATG [单选题]号码欠费自动销户后,进入冷冻期,冷冻期为( )天。
A.30天 B.60天 C.90天 D.180天 [单选题]不使用面向连接传输服务的应用层协议是 ( )
A.SMTP B.FTP C.HTTP D.SNMP [单选题]中共十七大关于党章(修正案) 决议,第一次将( )写入党章。
A.科学发展观 B.“三个代表”重要思想 C.全面建设小康社会 D.中国特色社会主义理论体系 [单选题]水位的基本定时观测时间为标准北京时间 8 时,并应记录至()。
A.0.5min B.1min C.h D.0.5h [多项选择]根据企业所得税处置资产确认收入的相关规定,下列各项行为中,应视同销售的有()。
A. 将生产的产品用于市场推广 B. 将生产的产品用于职工福利 C. 将资产用于境外分支机构加工另一产品 D. 将资产在总机构及其境内分支机构之间转移 [多项选择]企业应当按照( )确认当期费用。
A. 及时性原则 B. 权责发生制原则 C. 配比原则 D. 谨慎性原则 [单项选择]读识通风空调设备施工图的正确顺序应该是
A. 系统剖面图、系统轴测图、系统平面图、详图 B. 系统轴测图、系统平面图、系统剖面图、详图 C. 系统轴测图、详图、系统平面图、系统剖面图 D. 系统平面图、系统剖面图、系统轴测图、详图 E. 系统平面图、系统轴测图、系统剖面图、详图 我来回答: 提交