Jim Ayers had investigated all manner
of felonies in his fourteen-year career with the Oregon State Police. Like most
officers who had hired on as troopers, he was tall and well-muscled. He had
thick, wavy hair, and a rumbling deep voice. He had worked the road for eight
years, investigating accidents. He had seen much tragedy, but he had also
learned what was "normal" tragedy—if there could be such a thing—and what was
"abnormal" tragedy. Ayers had become an expert in both arson investigation and psychosexual crimes, and he had investigated innumerable homicides. Jerry Finch had a few years on him, both in age and experience. Together the two men drove to the scene at 79th and the Sunset, not knowing what to expect. The best detectives are not tough. If they were, they would not have the special intuitive sense that enables th A. Jim Ayers usually enjoys painting. B. People hurt each other in ways that recall the behavior of black people. C. Jim Ayers behaves in ways similar to those of other detectives. D. Jim Ayers distances himself professionally from his fellow detectives. [简答题]哪场战役代表美国正式卷入第二次世界大战?
[多选题]经中国人民银行或其分支机构批准,储蓄机构可以办理的金融业务包括( )。
A.A.发售和兑付以居民个人为发行对象的国库券 B.B.发售和兑付以居民个人为发行对象的金融债券 C.C.发售和兑付以居民个人为发行对象的企业债券券 D.D.个人定期储蓄存款存单小额抵押贷款业务 [单选题]煤矿领导带班下井的相关记录和煤矿井下人员定位系统存储信息保存期不少于()。
A.3个月 B.2年 C.1年 [单选题]动火作业间断或终结后,应清理现场,确认()后,方可离开。
A.无遗留工具 B.无问题 C.气瓶阀门关闭 D.无残留火种 [单选题]服用盐类泻剂或甘露醇可引起腹泻,其发生机制是:
A.分泌性腹泻 B.渗透性腹泻 C.渗出性腹泻 D.吸收不良性腹泻 [多选题]现阶段人们常说的“三项岗位人员”是指企业()。
A.主要负责人 B.安全生产管理人员 C.特种作业人员 D.从业人员 [判断题]铁路客运运价规则所指客运运价包括旅客票价和行李、包裹运价。客运运价与客运杂费构成全部运输费用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)要求,旅客运输服务工作人员佩戴的外露饰物款式简洁,限手表一只、戒指一枚,女性还可佩戴发夹、发箍或头花及一副直径不超过2毫米的耳钉。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交