Publicity offers several benefits.
There are no costs for message time or space. An ad in prime time television may
cost $250,000 to $500,000 or more per minute, whereas a five-minute report on a
network newscast would not cost anything. However, there are costs for news
releases, a publicity department, and other items. As with advertising, publicity reaches a mass audience. Within a short time, new products or company policies are widely known. Credibility about messages is high, because they are reported in independent media. A newspaper review of a movie has more believability than an ad in the same paper, because the reader associates independence with objectivity. Similarly, people are more likely to pay attention to news reports than ads. Readers spend time reading the stories, but they flip through the ads. Further A. To show the limitation of publicity. B. To demonstrate the influence of publicity. C. To show the proper use of media. D. To teach the readers how to fight against rumors. [多选题]矛盾同一性在事物发展中的作用表现为( )
A.矛盾双方在相互依存中得到发展 B.矛盾双方相互吸取有利于自身发展的因素 C.调和矛盾双方的对立 D.规定事物发展的基本趋势 E.使统一体分解 [单选题]张某持有一张福建农信社普惠金融卡,并在某酒店进行了消费,但他在这笔消费资金到期还款日时还在国外旅游,且未签约自动还款功能,收不到催款信息,因此,造成该笔消费资金不能及时还款,请问:在到持卡人未能在到期还款日之前偿还最低还款额的,除应记付利息外,对最低还款额未还部分如何收取违约金?( )
A.最低还款额未偿还部分的5%,每期最高不超过500元、最低不低于10元 B.最低还款额未偿还部分的10%,每期最高不超过500元、最低不低于10元 C.最低还款额未偿还部分的5%,每期最高不超过500元、最低不低于5元 D.最低还款额未偿还部分的5%,每期最高不超过1000元、最低不低于10元 [单选题]孔洞盖板、栏杆、安全网等安全防护设施禁止任意拆除;必须拆除时,应征得( )的同意,并采取临时安全作业措施,作业完毕后立即恢复原状并经原搭设单位验收。
A.原搭设单位 B.工作负责人 C.工作许可人 D.运维单位 [单项选择]
The British Court of Appeal has cut libel damages awarded to McDonald’s, the world’s largest fast—food chain, against two penniless environment campaigners. [判断题]银行办理内保外贷业务时,应对债务人主体资格.担保项下资金用途.预计的还款资金来源.担保履约的可能性及相关交易背景进行审核,对是否符合境内.外相关法律法规进行尽职调查,并以适当方式监督债务人按照其申明的用途使用担保项下资金。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]凡参加高处作业的人员,应每()进行一次体检。
A.季 B.年 C.1.5年 D.2年 E.略 F.略 [单选题]结膜炎俗称
A.麦粒肿 B.针眼 C.白内障 D.沙眼 [单选题]ZP·HYQI型区间电源盒功放电源的直流输出电压范围应为()
A.22~25.5V B.22~26.5V C.23~25.5V D.24~26.5V [判断题]正式确定“一个中心、两个基本点”为党的基本路线是在中共十三大上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]结扎颈外动脉的部位是()
A. 甲状腺上动脉起始处 B. 舌动脉起始处 C. 颌外动脉起始处 D. 颌内动脉起始处 E. 面横动脉起始处 [单项选择]
男,40岁,糖尿病病史7年。3天前开始感觉后项部疼痛,并出现红、肿区域,查体见:后项部偏左侧有一略隆起皮肤的紫红色浸润区,质韧,界不清,中央部表面有多个脓栓,体温38.1℃,脉搏78次/分,血压120/90mmHg。 如红肿范围扩大,中央部坏死组织多,体温继续升高时,宜如何处理( )A. 足量、规则应用抗生素治疗 B. 卧床休息,加大胰岛素用量 C. 肌内注射退热药 D. 可外敷鱼石脂软膏或碘附纱布 E. 行手术疗法,用"+”字或“++”字切口切开引流 [单选题]根据我国现行有关法律法规的规定,煤矿企业必须依法参加( )。
A.医疗保险 B.工伤社会保险 C.财产保险 [简答题]长沙市湘江以东依山傍水的城区道路是哪条?
[单选题]践行宗旨自觉要牢记( )的根本宗旨,自觉把人民放在心中最高位置,把服务人民作为工作的根本出发点和落脚点
A.全心全意为人民服务 B.为人民服务 C.对党忠诚 D.献身使命 [判断题]齿轮的轮齿受力时,其根部产生的弯曲应力最大,特别是交变应力超过疲劳极限时,则可能产生疲劳裂缝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下属于专项作业车是()。
A.消防车 B.检测车 C.电视车 D.汽车起重机 [单项选择]()应当建立卫生培训制度,组织从业人员学习相关卫生法律知识和公共场所卫生知识,并进行考核。
A. 公共场所经营者 B. 部门负责人 C. 卫生管理员 D. 卫生监督员 [单选题]反渗透弱碱水设备进水压力是( )。
A.0.1-0.35MPa B.0.2-0.25MPa C.0.1-0.4MPa D.0.1-0.25MPa [判断题]发动机要在极短时间内使进气充足和排气彻底是很困难的,为了改善换气过程使气门开始开启和关闭终了时刻正好在上下止点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]日本文化所塑造的日本人的价值观都是()的。
A. 集体主义 B. 个人主义 C. 个人英雄主义 D. 小团体主义 [单项选择]Managers cannot always wait for information to arrive in bits and pieces from the marketing intelligence system. They often require formal studies of specific situations. For example, Toshiba wants to know how many and what kinds of people or companies will buy its new superfast laptop computer. Or Barat College in Lake Forest, Illinois, needs to know what percentage of its target market has heard of Barat, how they heard, what they know, and how they feel about Barat. In such situations, the marketing intelligence system will not provide the detailed information needed. Managers will need marketing research.
We define marketing research as the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relerant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization. Every marketer needs research. Marketing researchers engage in a wide variety of activities, ranging from market potential and market share studies, to assessments of customer satisfaction and purcha A. Market potential and market share studies. B. Assessments of customer satisfaction and purchase behavior. C. Studies of pricing, distribution, and promotion activities. D. A specific marketing situation. [单选题] 用人为的方法来改变电动机的转速称为(
)。 A. 调频 B. 调速 C. 转速 我来回答: 提交