{{B}}Driven to Distraction{{/B}} Joe Coyne slides into the driver’s seat, starts up the car and heads to town. The empty stretch of interstate gives way to urban congestion, and Coyne hits the brakes as a pedestrian suddenly crosses the street in front of him. But even if he hadn’t stopped in time, the woman would have been safe. She isn’t real. Neither is the town. And Coyne isn’t really driving. Coyne is demonstrating a computerized driving simulator that is helping researchers at Old Dominion University (ODU) examine how in-vehicle guidance systems affect the person behind the wheel. The researchers want to know if such systems, which give audible or written directions, are too distracting — or whether any di A. are designing a visual navigational information system. B. are designing an audio navigational information system. C. are designing an audio-visual navigational information system. D. want to determine the best ways of giving navigational information system. [单选题]乙公司是一家国内知名的互联网企业,乙公司去年以来推出了多款新的互联网金融产品,为了消除部分客户对其产品风险的质疑,乙公司组织了来自学术界、企业界以及政府相关职能部门的专家,通过电子信箱发送问卷的调查方式征询专家对公司产品风险的意见,下列各项对乙公司采用的风险管理技术与方法优点的表述中,正确的是( )。
A.这种方法通过专家群体决策,产生尽可能多的设想 B.这种方法速度较快,容易开展 C.这种方法能够激发专家们的想象力 D.这种方法更有可能表达出那些不受欢迎的看法 [简答题]某项工程建设项目,业主与施工单位按《建设工程施工合同(示范)文本》签订了工程施工合同,工程未投保保险。在工程施工过程中,遭受暴风雨不可抗力的袭击,造成了相应的损失,施工单位及时向监理工程师提出索赔要求,并附有与索赔有关的资料和证据。索赔报告中的基本要求如下:(1)遭暴风雨袭击造成的损失不是施工单位的责任,故应由业主承担赔偿责任。(2)给已建部分工程造成破坏18万元,应由业主承担修复的经济责任,施工单位不承担修复的经济责任。(3)施工单位人员因此灾害导致数人受伤,处理伤病医疗费用和补偿金总计3万元,业主应给予赔偿。(4)建设方聘请的一名顾问受伤需医疗费用1万元,一名在工地避雨的路人由于被大风吹落的物品砸伤需医疗费用2千元,业主应给予赔偿。(5)施工单位进场的在使用机械、设备受到损坏.造成损失8万元,由于现场停工造成台班费损失4.2万元,业主应负担赔偿和修复的经济责任。工人窝工费3.8万元,业主应予支付。(6)准备安装的一台大型空调由于浸水必须修复需2万元,业主应该支付。(7)因暴风雨造成现场停工8天,要求合同工期顺延8天。(8)由于工程破坏,清理现场需费用2.4万元,业主应予支付。对于上述施工过程中发生的事件,请一一指出有关单位不当之处。
A.压缩机 B.冷凝风扇 C.节温器 D.毛细管 [单选题]478.按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:( )在收到《钻开油气层申报表》后组织进行检查验收,对于已钻遇油气显示等特殊情况,应立即组织验收。
A.勘探开发部 B.勘探公司 C.业主单位 D.油田公司 [单项选择]下列指标为诊断ARDS的必要条件的是()
A. 脉搏血氧饱和度 B. 氧合指数 C. 动脉血氧分压 D. 肺泡-动脉血氧分压差 E. pH [单项选择]特定穴中下台穴多分布于
A. 上肢腕关节附近 B. 下肢踝小腿关节附近 C. 下肢膝关节以下 D. 上肢肘关节以下 E. 上肢肩关节以下 [单项选择]以下不是烟酸缺乏症病因的为()
A. 摄入不足 B. 排泄过多 C. 吸收不良 D. 药物影响 [单项选择]公安消防部队党的基层委员会(党支部)应支持军政主官()地开展工作。
A. 独立自主 B. 排除干扰 C. 独立负责 D. 互相监督 [简答题]用电负荷调整措施分类有哪些?
[判断题]偿委员会处理赔偿请求, 采取书面审查的办法。 必要时, 可
以向有关单位和人员调查情况、 收集证据。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]治疗大骨节病的原则和方法应除外()
A. 目标为止痛 B. 已有关节变形者,可行关节矫形术 C. 重点在于预防,禁止食用已有真菌感染的麦类食品 D. 可行病灶清除及关节融合术 E. 要注意保持关节活动 [单项选择]薏苡仁、芡实常用的炮制方法是
A. 炒黄 B. 炒焦 C. 麸炒 D. 米炒 E. 砂炒 [多选题]“三人联锁放炮制”中的三人是指( )。
A.瓦检员 B.安全员 C.放炮员 D.班组长 [单项选择]管理国家食品药品监督管理总局和国家中医药管理局的是
A. 国家卫生和计划生育委员会 B. 国家食品药品监督管理总局 C. 国家中医药管理局 D. 国家发展和改革委员会 [多选题]造成滚筒采煤机滚筒升起后自动下降的原因是()。
A.液压锁损坏 B.换向阀损坏 C.调高油缸窜液 D.管路漏损 [单选题]在正常运行情况下,中性点不接地系统中性点位移电压不得超过( )。
A.15% B.10% C.5% D.20% [单项选择]下列不属于周围血管征的是
A. 水冲脉 B. 枪击音 C. 毛细血管搏动征 D. 脉搏短绌 E. Duroziez双重杂音 [多项选择]药典收载的药物及其制剂为()
A. 疗效确切 B. 质量稳定 C. 副作用小 D. 单方 E. 家传秘方 [判断题]低碳钢的焊接性能优于高碳合金钢。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]共用题干
Messages from the Media
1.The weather forecast,a story about the candidates in an election,and movie reviews are examples of messages from the media. A communication medium , of which the plural(复数的) form is media,is a means of communicating a message.Examples of media are television,radio, newspapers and books and the telephone.The media that can reach many people at once are callemass media. 2.It is not difficult to think of other messages we receive through the mass media. Every day we get hundreds of them.Think about advertisements,for example.We see and hear these messages almost everywhere we go.Advertisements are important messages,even though they are sometimes annoying.They help us compare and evaluate products. 3.Most of us get more information from the media than from the classroom. Think for a moment, about how you learn about local news and events.Do you depend on other people or the media?What about international news?What is the most important source of information for you?People who are asked this question usually answer,"Television". 4.Think of all the messages you received today.Perhaps you read a newspaper during breakfast, or maybe you read advertisements on billboards(露天广告牌)on your way to school. Did you listen to a weather forecast or the sports news on the radio this morning?Right now you are getting information through a very important medium of mass communication一a book. 5.We use the information we get from radio,television,newspapers and other media to make decisions and form opinions.That is why the mass media are so important.Editorials and articles in newspapers help us decide how to vote,consumer reports on television help up decide how to spend our money,and international news on the radio makes us think and form opinions about questions of war and peace. Television,radio and books are all important media of________. A.sports news B.our decisions and opinions C.mass communication D.our messages E.source of information F.the mass media [单选题]"黄磷发生自燃的主要方式是()。
A.分解放热 B.氧化发热 C.聚合放热 D.发酵放热" [单选题]架空绝缘导线不得视为()。
A.绝缘设备 B.导电设备 C.承力设备 D.载流设备 [多选题]进行渗水性能检测所需的试验仪具与材料包括()。
A.路面渗水仪 B.密封材料 C.秒表 D.水 [单选题]无列检作业的车站,编入货物列车的关门车数不得超过现车总数的( )。
A.6% B.10% C.12% D.5% [判断题]国家制定并不断完善网络安全战略,明确保障网络安全的基本要求和主要目标,提出重点领域的网络安全政策、工作任务和措施。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交