Sonic Device The other day, Dr. Robert Smith, who is blind, took a remarkable stroll through the campus of the University of California at Santa Barbara. As Dr. Smith walked along the campus, places and impediments (障碍物) in his path seemed to call out their names to him -- "library here, library here", "bench here, bench here". Dr. Smith was testing a prototype (样机) navigation system for the blind that anounced the surrounding objects through stereo headphones that were mounted to a computer in his back-pack, creating a virtual reality landscape(仿真影像). The information came not from some miniature radar but from the signals broadcast by the military’s network of gloal positioning satellites(全球定位卫星). One day, its [不定项选择](一)
A. 股东会同意 B. 董事会同意 C. 董事长同意 D. 监事会同意 [简答题]一旦无常到来,唯一对自己有帮助的是什么?请说明理由。
[多选题]造成工作车照明灯故障的主要原因有( )。
A.开关损坏 B.灯泡损坏 C.电路断路 D.控制失灵 [多项选择]在美发过程中,顾客提出发型意见,理发师按照顾客意见理发,顾客参与的内容包括()。
A. 态度参与 B. 意见参与 C. 行为参与 D. 情感参与 E. 管理参与 [多项选择]猪瘟宰后检疫要点有()。
A. 肾皮质色泽变淡,有出血点 B. 淋巴结呈"大理石样变" C. 喉头膀胱有出血点 D. 全身出血性变化 [填空题]在距离接触网带电部分不足2 m的处所作业时,接触网必须____,由接触网工区人员安设可靠的临时接地线并____确认后,方可开始工作。
[多选题]双梁桥式起重机小车三条腿运行的原因是:( )
A.车轮安装不合理 B.偏载运行 C.小车架变形 D.车轮直径偏差过大 [单选题]《铁运旅客运输办理细则》中规定,()不可以免费托运行李。
A.客票 B.定期客票 C.铁路乘车证 D.附加票 [单选题]三相对称负载接成星形时,三相总电流( )。
A.等于零 B.等于其中一相电流的三倍 C.等于其中一相电流 我来回答: 提交