{{B}}Geography and Movement{{/B}} To understand how astrology works, we should first take a quick look at the sky. Although the stars are at enormous distances, they do indeed give the impression of being affixed to the inner surface of a great hollow sphere surrounding the earth. Ancient people, in fact, literally believed in the existence of such a celestial sphere. As the earth spins on its axis, the celestial sphere appears to turn about us each day, pivoting at points on a line with the earth’s axis of rotation. This daily turning of the sphere carries the stars around the sky, causing most of them to rise and set, but they, and constellations they define, maintains fixed patterns on the sphere, just as the continent of Australian maintains its shape on a spinning globe of the ea A. the earth was spinning on the axis of the sky B. the sky was a hollow sphere spinning around the earth C. the patterns of stars on the sky would never change D. the stars around the sky were not stationary [填空题]Decision-making is a complex business subject which combines the most complicated elements of the operational and{{U}} (36) {{/U}}aspects of management. The ability to{{U}} (37) {{/U}} the decision-making process is often determined by environmental factors rather than the steps in some "ideal" model. Decisions are frequently influenced more by the environment and structure of the organization than by the method itself. The process of decision-making will, therefore, be examined in{{U}} (38) {{/U}}of environmental factors. One of these factors -- social and cultural background — affects the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}among people involved in the decision-making process and provides the{{U}} (40) {{/U}}framework within which they may comfortably operate. The best{{U}} (41) {{/U}}for solving a problem, for example, might be to replace an employee who is unsuited for a position. However, if in the society’s culture there is a tradition of{{U}} (42) {{/U}} employment with one company, t
A. 0.5 B. 1.0 C. 1.5 D. 2.0 [单项选择]代赭石具有的功效是()。
A. 收敛固涩 B. 镇惊安神 C. 清肝明目 D. 降逆止呕 E. 坠痰平喘 [单项选择]合作开发房地产合同约定提供资金的当事人不承担经营风险,只分配固定数量房屋的,应当认定为()合同。
A. 房屋买卖 B. 土地使用权转让 C. 借款 D. 房屋租赁 [单项选择]原压机倒机时,备用机组的进乞代门所处位置为()。
A. 全关 B. 全开 C. 微开 D. 一半 [多选题]客货票据总账,是按照票据种类或用票单位设置的账簿,用于分类登记客货票据()等业务事项总括情况的账簿。
A.请领 B.使用 C.发放 D.结存 [单项选择]第二次世界大战期间,英国首相丘吉尔对美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福说:“总统先生……我从不为议会所困扰,但我事事都得与我的内阁商量并获得内阁的支持。”这段话主要反映了英国政治体制的哪一方面()
A. 总统共和制 B. 民主代议制 C. 责任内阁制 D. 两党制 [单项选择]光纤中纤芯的直径为()
A. 1nm B. 1um C. 10um [判断题]高处作业使用的脚手架不需验收即可使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题](单选题). 1970年美国进行导弹发射试验时,由于操作员将一个螺母少拧了半圈,导致发射失败。1990年“阿里安”火箭爆炸,是由于工作人员不慎将一块小小的擦拭布遗留在发动的小循环系统中。美国“挑战者”号航天飞机大爆炸,也是因为某个零件的不合格造成的。你认为导致事故的根本原因( )。
A.从业人员没有严格遵守操作规程 B.管理制度不健全 C.操作员缺乏职业技能 D.相关部门检查水平不高 [判断题]长寿命滤蕊内有干燥剂、活性炭颗粒和过滤纸组,利用分子筛原理 ,除对充灌的空气进行干燥过滤外,还能吸附聚集在滤筒内CO2,防止充灌的空气中CO2含量过高。( )(难)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]运行泵跳闸,备用泵联启或辅机冷却水泵出口压力低于()MPA备用泵联启。
A.0.2 B.0.3 C.0.6 [简答题]具体教学活动方案设计应注意哪些问题?
对这段话理解错误的是:( ) A. 垄断的反面是完全竞争,而要形成完全竞争,必须至少要有两家以上企业生产和销售同种商品或可有效替代的商品 B. 垄断商品的替代物必须尽可能有效,虽然替代物的概念比较模糊,但如果根据实际情况分析也能判断出来 C. 入行壁垒的坚固是保持有效垄断的必需,当技术发展;原先的壁垒降低时,企业的垄断地位可能将受到挑战 D. 动摇垄断者的地位,可以由国家采取强制措施,将该企业强行分为两个以上企业,也可以通过提高技术或发展科学来降低壁垒或找到替代物等 [判断题]除法律规定和《福建省农村信用社银行本票业务处理暂行办法》规定外,代理付款行不得拒绝受理持票人提交的银行本票,出票社不得拒绝付款。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]正常情况下,中央级与本地级之间的控制权转换由行调与车站人员在各自的工作站上进行应答操作完成。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交