The growth of population during the
past few centuries is no proof that population will continue to grow straight
upward toward infinity and doom. On the contrary, demographic history offers
evidence that population growth has not been at all constant. According to
paleo-ecologist Edward Deevey, the past million years show three momentous
changes. The first, a rapid increase in population around one million B, C,
followed the innovations of tool-making and tool-using. But when the new power
from the use of tools had been exploited, the rate of world population growth
fell and became almost stable. The next rapid jump in population started perhaps 10,000 years ago, when men began to keep herds, plow and plant the earth. Once again when initial productivity gains had been absorbed, the rate of population growth abated. A. Human population expands at an exponential rate. B. Population growth has shown fluctuation in demographic history. C. Population growth can not be regarded as a social failure. D. Increase in population is related to productivity. [判断题]有限空间作业负责人和监护人应每年进行作业安全再培训和考核,作业者无需进行再培训。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]组合电气操动机构安装、固定应牢靠,并与断路器底座标高相配合,底座或支架与基础间的垫片不宜超过( )片,总厚度不应超过( )mm,各垫片尺寸与基座相符且连接牢固。
A.2,5 B.6,10 C.4,12 D.3,10 [判断题]电压互感器一次侧熔断器熔断两相时,熔断两相电压为零。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]现场防护员应参加作业前的安全预想,掌握作业地点、内容、机工具分布及相关设备情况。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]甲对乙称,如果乙不去殴打丙,就杀害乙的妻儿。乙无奈,将丙殴打致轻微伤,后被公安民警查获。对甲的行为,公安机关应当()。
A.批评教育 B.按殴打他人处罚 C.按教唆他人处罚 D.予以训诫 [判断题]昼夜温差越大,岩石越容易风化。
A.A、正确 B.B、错误 C. D. E.略 [单选题]脑出血最常见的出血部位是
A.小脑 B.脑桥 C.脑室 D.优势半球 E.基底核区 [判断题]应急手电筒能在正常情况下使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列CT影像中,最支持胰腺癌诊断的是( )
A. 胆管扩张明显,胆总管下端可见2cm×1cm的极强密度区 B. 胰头有3cm×4cm不均匀低密度区,强化后有不均匀增强 C. 胰头均匀低密度区,CT值10HU,不被强化,胰体尾萎缩,胰管扩张 D. 胰头部增大,密度与其他部位胰腺组织密度一致,胰周界限模糊 E. 胰周及腹腔渗出,胰腺实质内有不规则低密度区,强化后低密度区增强不明显 [单选题]幼儿主动与外部环境相互作用的最重要的方式是( )。 B.交往 C.活动 D.游玩 我来回答: 提交