Auctions are public sales of goods,
conducted by an officially approved auctioneer. He asks the crowd assembled in
the auction room to make offers, or "bids", for the various items on sale. He
encourages buyers to bid higher figures, and finally names the highest bidder as
the buyer of the goods. This is called "knocking down" the goods, for the
bidding ends when the auctioneer bangs a small hammer on a table at which he
stands. This is often set on a raised platform called a rostrum. The ancient Romans probably invented sales by auction, and the English word comes from the Latin auctio, meaning "increase". The Romans usually sold in this way the spoils taken in war; these sales were called sub basra, meaning "under the spear", a spear being stuck in the ground as a signal for a crowd to gather. In England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries goods A. he sometimes wants to confuse the buyers B. he knows from experience that certain people will want to buy certain items C. he wants to keep certain people waiting D. he wants to reduce the number of buyers [单选题]接地线必须使用专用的线夹固定在导体上,严禁采用()的方法进行接地或短路。
A.绑扎; B.螺栓连接 ; C.缠绕 [判断题]对于干燥有困难的潮湿屋面应做成排汽屋面;对于干燥有困难的保温屋面应设置隔汽层和做成排汽屋面。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The customer is consolidating their ten rack mount Windows servers into a VMware environment with four servers. The existing servers all have internal disk. The total amount of useable capacity is 5TB which is expected to increase to 10TB over the life of this asset. The customer will want to use the advanced features of VMware like VMotion. The customer is concerned about cost. Which of the following meets the customers needs?()
A. DS3500 with SAS Host Connection B. DS3500 withiSCSI Host Connection C. DS3500 with FC Connection D. DS5020 [单选题]64D型单线半自动闭塞,列车进入接车站的接车轨道电路时,接车站发车表示灯显
示( )。 A.灭灯 B.绿灯 C.红灯 D.黄灯 [单选题]起落架指示器面板与哪个LGCIU(起落架控制和接口组件)连接,并接收邻近探测器的信号?
A.LGCIU1 B.LGCIU2 C.LGCIU1和LGCIU2 [多选题]安全生产管理具体包括哪几方面的内容?( )
A.安全生产法制管理 B.行政管理 C.工艺技术管理 D.设备设施管理 E.作业环境和安全条件管理 [单项选择]我国规定1岁内必须完成的计划免疫是()
A. 麻疹疫苗 B. 乙脑疫苗 C. 流脑疫苗 D. 流感疫苗 E. 甲型肝炎疫苗 [单选题]在VRRP 中,当设备状态变为 Master 后,会立刻发送免费 ARP 来刷新下游设备的Mac 表项,从而把用户的流量引到此台设备上来。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
男性,29岁,低热,酱油色尿2月,体检巩膜黄染,贫血面容,肝脾不肿大,血红蛋白73g/L,血小板100×109/L,白细胞4.4×109/L,网织红细胞计数0.15,尿隐血阴性。 除以上治疗外还可进行的治疗为()A. 同种异基因骨髓移植或干细胞移植 B. 化疗 C. 放疗 D. 放疗+化疗 E. 放血疗法 [单项选择]单位时间内,电流所做的功称为()。
A. 电功率 B. 无功率 C. 视在功率 D. 有功率加无功率 [单选题]GHT-5焊缝对比试块A区横孔的孔径为( )。
A.3mm B.4mm C.5mm D.6mm [单选题]某患者右腰部被重物击伤,自觉疼瘺,查体见右腰部压痛、叩击痛,血压、脉搏正常,尿液镜检红细胞10~15个/HP。考虑是 ( )
A.腰部挫伤 B.肾挫伤 C.肾部分裂伤 D.肾全层裂伤 E.肾蒂裂伤 [单选题]哪味生药含有分枝状石细胞( )
A.黄连 B.黄柏 C.大黄 D.人参 [单项选择]银行的董事会和高级管理层有责任开发一个()来评估经营过程中方的风险和控制环境。
A. 数学模型 B. 内部资本评估程序 C. 内部评估程序 D. 内部评估流程 [判断题]在计算机总账系统中,属于银行对账的科目在科目设置时,应将其科目性质定义为“银行账”辅助账类。 ( )
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is NOT true about "communication"
A. Communication means the establishment of a commonness with someone. B. Communication means the sharing of information, an idea or an attitude. C. The word "communication" comes from the Greek word "communis" D. Communication always requires at least three elements. [单项选择]It's cold outside. You'd better ______your coat.
骶尾部的小水疱融合成大水疱。护士应采取的正确措施是 A. 保持局部皮肤湿润,防止水疱破裂 B. 用无菌注射器抽出水疱内液体后用无菌敷料包扎 C. 用乙醇按摩局部水疱,使其吸收 D. 剪破水疱表皮后,涂以消毒液,用无菌敷料包扎 E. 减少局部摩擦.防止破裂,让其自然吸收 [填空题]在刚建立工程时,使窗体上的所有控件具有相同的字体格式,应对______的属性进行设置。
A.卧床期间鼓励病人床上活动,促进血液循环和切口愈合 B.功能锻炼应至少持续至出院后3个月 C.甲状腺全切除者需遵医嘱服用甲状腺制剂,定期检查甲状腺功能,结果正常后方可停药 D.指导病人保持良好情绪,积极配合后续治疗 E.教会病人自行检查颈部 [单选题]农户小额信用贷款的贷款对象应该满足的条件不包括()
A.具有完全民事行为能力,资信良好 B.具备清偿贷款本息的能力 C.贷款用途明确合法 D.遵守联保协议 [单选题]B-C-A-011 4 2 2
关于增设循环氢脱硫设施,下列选项不正确的是( )。 A.可以避免和减轻设备受到腐蚀 B.能够消除职业病 C.降低分馏系统脱戊烷塔的操作负荷,有利于提高产品质量 D.有利于确保循环氢的纯度,提高经济效益 我来回答: 提交