Rothko{{/B}} Mark Rothko, one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century, was born in Daugavpils, Latvia in 1903. His father emigrated to the United States, afraid that his sons would be drafted into the Czarist army. Mark stayed in Russia with his mother and older sister; they joined the family later, arriving in the winter of 1913, after a 12-day voyage. Mark moved to New York in the autumn of 1923 and found employment in the garment trade and took up residence on the Upper West Side. It was while he was visiting someone at the Art Students League that he saw students sketching a nude model. According to him, this was the start of his life as an artist. He was twenty years old and had taken some art lessons at school, s A. was inspired by Rosenberg B. resulted from moving to Long Island C. resulted from his grief D. evolved in 1948 [判断题]在测量小温差时,热电偶常采用差接方式。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《招标投标法》的规定,政府采购代理机构资格由( )负责认定。
A. 科技部 B. 财政部 C. 商务部 D. 国家发展和改革委员会 [多选题]关于行政复议机关处理行政复议申请,下列哪些选项是正确的? ( )
A.应当在5日内审查是否受理 B.对符合行政复议法规定,但不属于本机关受理的行政复议申请,直接转送有关行政复议机关 C.对不符合行政复议法规定的行政复议申请,决定不予受理 D.对符合行政复议法规定,且属于本机关受理的行政复议申请,应当予以受理 [判断题]标准时间=基准时间+工序时间,就是用秒表测量出来的目标时间( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]商品仓储的重要意义之一就在于()。
A. 降低生产成本 B. 有效提高商品周转率 C. 平衡运输的负荷 D. 满足顾客需求 [单项选择]当井口信号工收到任何()信号,都不得向绞车司机发送开车信号。
A. 上提 B. 下放 C. 不明 D. 调罐 [简答题] Even as the economy improves, a jobless executive may face up to a year or more of unemployment. This is a lot of time, especially for hard-charging high-performers who are not used to having any free time. While some job seekers spend hundreds—even thousands—of hours discovering daytime television, others seem to thrive on activities that boost their professional careers or resolve family issues when they aren’’t working.
Having an extended period of free time in the prime of one’’s life can in fact be a unique opportunity to focus on volunteer service, professional education or personal growth.
Community Involvement
For Lisa Perez, the wakeup call was burned pork chops. An executive who previously hadn’’t been particularly interested in home and health had become obsessed with homemaking during a stint of unemployment.
She realized that cleaning and organizing her home wasn’’t helping her job search. Nevertheless, "I made lists of 50 things to do every day,"
[多选题]生产经营单位从业人员有义务( )。
A.接受安全生产教育和培训 B.掌握本职工作所需的安全生产知识 C.提高安全生产技能 D.增强事故预防和应急处理能力 [单项选择]在社区服务项目策划中期,社会工作者应做的工作是()。
A. 了解服务对象的意见 B. 对社区问题进行评估 C. 评估工作人员的素质和能力 D. 确定服务项目的成效评估方法 [单项选择]为避免退汇的发汇单重复使用,控制退汇风险,收回客户留存的西联汇款发汇单客户留存联上必须做()批注。
A. “作废” B. “解付” C. “退汇” D. “结清” [单选题] Which of the following statements about the money markets are true?
A. Most money market securities do not pay interest. Instead, the investor pays less for the security than it will be worth when it matures. B. Pension funds invest a portion of their assets in the money market to have sufficient liquidity to meet their obligations. C. Unlike most participants in the money market, the U.S. Treasury Department is always a demander of money market funds and never a supplier. D. All of the above are true. E. Only A and B of the above are true. [单项选择]电子捕获器ECD具有对()进行选择性响应的特性,其捕获电子的能力越强,浓度越高,负峰也越大。
A. 电负性组分 B. 电正性组分 C. 有机组分 D. 无机组分 [单选题]任何人发现有违反本规程的情况,应(),经纠正后才能恢复作业。
A.立即制止 B.立即报告领导 C.停止作业 D.批评教育 [多项选择]重大建设项目指()。
A. 索道与缆车 B. 大型文化、体育与游乐设施 C. 宾馆 D. 游步道 [填空题]木材的()剖面具有颜色深浅不同的木纹,可以用它来制造家具和车厢内部设备及装饰。
A.预可行性研究阶段的投资估算 B.项目建议书阶段的投资估算 C.竣工验收阶段的投资估算 D.可行性研究阶段的投资估算 E.工程招投标阶段的投资估算 [单选题]动态检查应以( )、车载式线路检查仪和添乘检查作为动态检查的辅助手段。
A.弦线 B.轨距尺 C.平直尺 D.巡检设备 [单选题]配电变压器中性点接地属( )。
A.保护接地 B.防雷接地 C.工作接地 D.过电压保护接地 [单项选择]我国现行《宪法》规定,全国人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员中,应当有适当名额的()。
A. 少数民族代表 B. 妇女代表 C. 华侨代表 D. 军队代表 [单项选择]44, 54, 65, 77, ( )
A. 91 B. 90 C. 89 D. 88 [判断题]一般而言,分布式数据库是指物理上分散在不同地点,但在逻辑上是统一的数据库。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]症见喘促短气,言语乏力,咳声低弱,自汗畏风,咽喉不利,口干面红,舌质淡红,脉象细弱.当属证候是( )
A.肺阴亏虚之喘证 B.肺脾气虚之喘证 C.肺气阴两虚之喘证 D.肺肾阴亏之喘证 [简答题]试述阶段曝气活性污泥法的特点。
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