At all age and at all stages of life,
fear presents a problem to almost everyone. "We are largely the playthings of
our fears," wrote the British author Horace Walpole many years ago. "To one,
fear of the dark, to another, of physical pain, to third, of public ridicule, to
a fourth, of poverty, to loneliness…for all of us our particular creature waits
in a hidden place." Fear is often a useful emotion. When you become frightened, many physical changes occur within your body. Your heartbeat and responses quicken, your pupils expand to admit more light, large quantities of energy producing adrenaline(肾上腺素)are poured into your bloodstream. Confronted with a fli’e or accident, fear can fuel life-saving flight(逃离). Similarly, when a danger is psychological rather than physical, fear can force you to take self-protective measures. It is only when fear is dispr A. some people are inherently more easily affected by danger B. people’s response to stimuli is not an inherited feature C. some people seem to be very sensitive to noise D. people sometimes seem to turn a deaf ear to noise [多选题]B/S结构的优点是:( )。
A.可以随时随地进行查询、浏览等业务处理 B.业务扩展简单方便 C.维护简单方便 D.开发简单,共享性强() [判断题] 公安机关应当简化办事程序,拓宽服务渠道,始终坚持推行一个窗口对外、一站式办结和预约服务、自助受理、网上办理等。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ( )在接到所有工作负责人(包括用户)的终结报告,并确认所有工作已完毕,所有工作人员已撤离,所有接地线已拆除,与记录簿核对无误并做好记录后,方可下令拆除各侧安全措施。 (1.0分)
A. 值班调控人员 B. 工作票签发人 C. 工作许可人 D. 变电站值班负责人 [单选题]消防防坠落辅助部件的及注意事项表述不正确的是( )。(中)
A.使用前后应检查防坠落辅助设备,确认其安全状况,若出现影响机械强度的破损,要立即停止使用。 B.若防坠落辅助设备未能通过检查或其安全性出现问题,应更换防坠落辅助设备并将旧件保存。 C.当防坠落辅助设备的金属件腐蚀或老化时应按厂方使用说明中的规定进行处理。 D.产品说明书与防坠落辅助设备分不开时,应将其保存并做记录,将产品说明书备份,并将备份件与防坠落辅助设备放在一起。 [单选题]下列关于反竞争性抑制作用的描述,正确的是
A.抑制剂既与酶相结合又与酶-底物复合物相结合 B.抑制剂只与酶-底物复合物相结合 C.抑制剂使酶促反应的Km值升高,Vmax降低 D.抑制剂使酶促反应的Km值降低,Vmax增高 [简答题]( )是形成正确自我意识的基础。
[单选题](0分) 关于HELLP综合征,下列描述错误的是:
A. 溶血 B. 肝酶升高 C. 血小板减少 D. 常与重症妊娠期高血压疾病并存 E. 常与特发性血小板减少性紫癜并存 [单项选择]在()及以上坡道的区段,禁止办理机车专列回送。
A. 6‰ B. 10‰ C. 12‰ D. 20‰ 我来回答: 提交