Some drug makers pay key leaders in a field of medicine, such as chairs of departments in medical schools, tens of thousands of dollars if they are saying the right things about their product. They manipulate medical education sessions, lectures, articles in medical journals, research studies, even personal conversations between physicians to get their product message across.
Now a huge collection of drug company internal documents—revealed as part of a law-suit-offers a wealth of detail. In 1996, Dr. David Franklin, an employee of the drug company Parke-Davis, filed the lawsuit under federal whistleblower statutes alleging that the company was illegally promoting a drug called Neurontin for so called "off-label" uses. Under federal law, once the FDA approves a drug, a doctor can prescribe it for anything. But the law specifically prohibits the drug company from promoting the drug for any unapproved uses. In 2004, the company, by then a division of Pfizer
A. without approval.
B. far from a label.
C. off-line.
D. without a label.
One of the most strikingly apparent
instances of extrasensory perception is the precognitive experience, when a
person has a compelling perception of a coming disaster, news of death of a
loved one, or a communication from a long-lost friend, and the predicted event
then happens. Many who have had such experiences report that the emotional
intensity of the precognition and its subsequent verification provide an
overpowering sense of contact with another realm of reality. I have had such an
experience myself. Many years ago, I awoke in the middle of night in a cold
sweat, with a certain knowledge that a close relative had suddenly died. I was
so gripped with the haunting intensity of the experience that I was afraid to
place a long-distance phone call, (for fear that the relative would trip over
the telephone cord or something and m A. Because what happened in his/her dream was not verified by reality. B. Because the institute would overreact to this letter. C. Because the author was afraid his dream would come true if he wrote the letter. D. Because the author believed such a dream was indeed rather ridiculous. [单选题]Mills 征阳性提示
A.腕管综合征 B.狭窄性腱鞘炎 C.腕部腱鞘囊肿 D.肱骨外上髁炎 E.肱二头肌腱断裂 [判断题]检测结果由检测人员记录,其中超声、涡流、磁粉检测结果记录应当由持有相应检测方法Ⅰ级(含)以上资格证书的人员签字确认。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]美国社会学家帕森斯主张以( )作为社会分层的标准。
A.财富 B.声望 C.职业 D.受教育程度 [单选题]行政机关及执法人员当场收缴罚款的必须向当事人出具哪个特定行政机关统一制作的罚款收据?()。
A.省政府 B.省、自治区、直辖市财政部门 C.县财政部门 D.省级税务部门 [判断题]OLT通过E1接口与程控交换机相连。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]除盐水处理时,如果阴床出水碱性增大,很可能是( ) 失效。
A.平衡重和压重 B.变幅机构 C.行走机构 D.爬升装置 [多选题]相对人认为行政机关的具体行政行为所依据的( )不合法,在对具体行政行为申请行政复议时,可以提出审查申请。
A.国务院部委规章 B.国务院部门的规定 C.县级以上地方人民政府及其工作部门的规定 D.乡镇人民政府的规定 [填空题]不进行作业的调车,其车钩的摘解、软管的摘接按( )、( )规定办理。
[单选题]物质从( )转变成气态的过程叫气化。
A. 固态 B.液态 C.气态 D.冰 [判断题]牵出线与其相邻线线间最小距离为5500mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]牛黄承气汤由以下哪些方药组成()。
A. 调胃承气汤 B. 生大黄 C. 安宫牛黄丸 D. 牛黄 E. 小承气汤 [多选题]电流互感器二次负荷包括( )
A.表计和继电器电流线圈的电阻 B.接线电阻 C.二次电流电缆回路电阻 D.连接点的接触电阻 [单选题]《安全生产法》确立的安全生产工作机制是( )。
A.生产经营单位负责、行业自律、社会监督、国家监察 B.生产经营单位负责、政府监管、国家监察、中介机构提供服务 C.生产经营单位负责、职工参与、政府监管、行业自律、社会监督 D.生产经营单位负责、职工参与、行业自律,中介机构提供服务 [判断题]智能采集设备安装调试工作中需带电拆接导线时,应先断开负荷,拆接导线后应确认导线的接触是否良好、牢固。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]25岁女性,已婚,停经50天,阴道少许出血3天,今晨突发右下腹剧痛伴明显肛坠,血压10.5/6.7kPa(80/50mmHg),脉搏120次/分,下腹部有压痛、反跳痛,移动性浊音(+)。妇科检查:宫颈举痛,子宫略大,稍软,右附件增厚,有压痛。此病人最可能的诊断是()
A. 急性阑尾炎 B. 卵巢黄体破裂 C. 输卵管妊娠破裂 D. 先兆流产 E. 急性盆腔炎 [多选题]关于追诉期限的规定说法正确的是
A.法定最高刑为不满5年有期徒刑的,经过5年 B.法定最高刑为5年以上不满10年有期徒刑的,经过10年 C.法定最高刑为10年以上有期徒刑的,经过15年 D.法定最高刑为无期徒刑、死刑的,经过20年 [判断题]电工、电(气)焊人员均属于特种作业人员,必须经专业技能培训,取得《作业操作证》。( )(防止电力生产事故的二十五项重点要求1.5.1)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述抗体产生的规律,了解此规律有何意义?
A. 全血 B. 新鲜冰冻血浆 C. 普通冰冻血浆 D. 冷沉淀 E. 白蛋白 [多项选择]在我国,一般将投资基金划分为( )。
A. 股票投资基金 B. 证券投资基金 C. 创业投资基金 D. 上市投资基金 E. 教育投资基金 [判断题]鳞癌生长缓慢,转移晚,手术切除的机会相对多,5年生存率较高,对放疗、化学药物治疗不如小细胞未分化癌敏感。
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