血液在体温调节中有重要作用。如人体在运动过程中,产热量大量增加,()通过()的体温调节中枢的调节,使皮肤的(),也使汗液的分泌增多,散热量增加,从而保持体温的相对稳定。目前许多大学生毕业后不是直接参加工作,而是继续读研究生,请你运用人力资本投资的有关理论,完成下列问题: |
Trade{{/B}} Since the end of World War Ⅱ, international trade has developed dramatically. All countries in the modern world join in worldwide trade, through which various sorts of merchandise and{{U}} (51) {{/U}}materials are exported in{{U}} (52) {{/U}}for foreign currency, which means income wealth from{{U}} (53) {{/U}}and job opportunity at home, and in the meantime, foreign goods are imported to provide consumers with{{U}} (54) {{/U}}and welcome merchandise. Today, economic interdependence among countries is so{{U}} (55) {{/U}}that no country can close its doors to the outside world, and the more prosperous the national economy, the more developed the foreign trade. Economic globalization is now a{{U}} (56) {{/U}}in the world A. overseas B. domestic C. household D. aboard [填空题]
Nowadays people use many methods to keep fit. For example,
taking exercise and going on a diet. What is the purpose of keeping fit The{{U}}
(36) {{/U}}of keeping fit is to avoid ill health,{{U}} (37)
{{/U}} the mental and physical fatigue that makes us more likely to
contract{{U}} (38) {{/U}}, and above all, to feel more{{U}} (39)
{{/U}}in being alive. Research has shown the value of a{{U}} (40)
{{/U}}diet, fresh air, sunshine,{{U}} (41) {{/U}}rest and some form
of{{U}} (42) {{/U}}exercise for everyone. If everyone followed this
plan, the number of people visiting the doctor and going to hospital would be{{U}}
(43) {{/U}}reduced. Unfortunately,{{U}} (44) {{/U}}. We spend
too much time watching others from the comfort of an armchair or a seat in the
stand at a sports stadium. One reason why people who are physically fit live
longer is that{{U}} (45) {{/U}}. The also avoid suffering the
consequences of weakened muscles. Abo
A. 升高温度 B. 减小生成物浓度 C. 增大压强 D. 减小接触面积 [判断题]专项方案经论证后需做重大修改的,施工单位应当按照论证报告修改,但不需要重新组织专家进行论证。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]月最大负荷利用小时数越小越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]烟叶质量控制是一项有计划、有组织、系统性的品质( )活动。
A.检验 B.职能 C.检查 D.监督 [单项选择]Although I get my flu shot regularly, I still manage to get ill at least one time each year.The shot (62) your chances of getting influenza up to 90%, (63) you don’t have to stop there.You can (64) improve the odds of staying healthy (65) following a few simple rules.
First, you need to know what you are up against.In addition to the flu, the (66) adult suffers anywhere from one to three respiratory illnesses a year, (67) all of them caused by viruses and most of them (68) in the cooler months.Cold weather also (69) to bring out the kind of bad habits, such as giving up your routine exercise, (70) probably will make you more (71) to diseases. The reason we get (72) isn’t directly 1inked to cold weather.of course.It’s that we spend more time indoors with other people and their germs. (73) you really wanted to make sure you (74) suffered another cold, y A. done B. said C. tasted D. touched [判断题]单元轨节起止点应设置在不同轨道结构过渡段或不同线下基础过渡段范围。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]小型旋翼无人机测控距离应满足以下哪些技术要求
A.在距离不小于1km处,具备巡检系统飞行状态和机载设备工作状态遥控功能 B.在距离不小于1km处,具备对巡检系统飞行参数和机载设备工作状态参数的遥测功能 C.在传输距离不小于1km处,具备可见光视频全向、实时传输功能 D.在传输距离不小于1km处,具备红外影像全向、实时传输功能 [单项选择]我国现行的法兰技术标准有()。
A. 1种 B. 2种 C. 3种 D. 4种 [单选题]原始部落 对于 ( ) 相当于 ( ) 对于 先进科技
A.热带丛林 文明古国 B.边远小镇 创业园区 C.茹毛饮血 现代都市 D.钻木取火 宇宙航行 [多项选择]关于系统性红斑狼疮的描述正确的是( )
A. 青年女性多见,尤以育龄女性为多 B. 临床表现可有典型面部蝶形红斑 C. 病因不明,可能与精神刺激、创伤等应激因素有关 D. 受累脏器只有肾脏,约半数病人有狼疮性肾炎 E. 反复发作,常迁延不愈 [判断题]电力电缆局部放电带电检测设备型式试验和现场试验必须进行绝缘性能试验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]人行斜道的宽度和坡度的规定是( );
A.不宜小于1m和宜采用1:8 B.不宜小于0.8m和宜采用1:6 C.不宜小于lm和宜采用1:3 D.不宜小于1.5m和宜采用1:7 [填空题]
在Visual FoxPro中,通过建立数据库表的主索引可以实现数据的()完整性。 [单选题]脉结代,心动悸,虚赢少气,舌光少苔,治宜选用
A.朱砂安神丸 B.生脉散 C.酸枣仁汤 D.炙甘草汤 E.天王补心丹 [单项选择]Most of us think we know the kind of kid who becomes a killer, and most of the time we’re right. Boys (31) about 85% of all youth murderers, and in those cases about 90% fall within a pattern (32) the line from bad parenting and bad (33) to murder is usually clear. Their lives start with abuse, neglect and (34) deprivation at home. Add the effects of poverty and drug, and it is not (35) that in a violent society like ours, (36) children become deadly teens.
(37) what about the other 10% of kids who kill: the boys who have (38) parents and are not poor Are their parents to blame when these kids become (39) Most children do fine while young enough to be (40) by loving parents, but change as adolescents subjected to peer competition and rejection, (41) in big high schools, Today it becomes hard for parents to (42) between what in a teenager’s talk, dress and taste A. confusing B. astonishing C. bewildering D. surprising 我来回答: 提交