{{B}}Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following
passage:{{/B}} One study shows that Americans prefer to answer with a brief "Yes", "No", "Sure", or the very popular "Yeah" rather than with a longer reply. (76) {{U}}But brief replies do not mean Americans are impolite or unfriendly to some extent.{{/U}} Very often, Americans are in a hurry and may greet you with a single word "Hi", indeed; this is a greeting you will hear again and again during your stay in the United States. It is used by everyone, regardless of rank, age or occupation. However, those who are accustomed to longer greetings may re- quire a little more time before they feel comfortable with American simple talk. Americans sometimes use plain talk when they are uncomfortable. (77) {{U}}If people praise them or thank them in an especially polite way, t A. they reply very quickly in a hurry B. they choose words too carefully C. they like replying briefly D. they want to be as polite as they can [判断题]国家要素说实际上在以地理意义上的国家来代替政治意义上的国家,以此来模糊国家的政治性质及国家统治的阶级本质。
[多选题] 防松的方法很多,按工作原理可分哪几类? ( )
A.摩擦防松 B.机械防松 C.永久性防松 D.化学放松 [简答题]盐岩层一般小于钻头直径,在井径曲线上显示为低值。
[单项选择]在条件允许的情况下,对于明配管的安装,当电气管敷设在热水管上面时其相互距离应为( )m。
A. 1 B. 0.5 C. 0.2 D. 1.2 [单项选择]请计算代码690146398007X校验码是()
A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 [单选题]进行SF6气体采样和处理一般泄漏时,要戴防毒面具或()并进行通风。
A.口罩 B.正压式呼吸器 C.手套 D.护目眼镜 [多项选择]加强社会主义道德建设的着力点包括()。
A. 全面提高公民的道德素质 B. 着重解决凸显的道德问题 C. 解放和发展社会生产力 D. 抓好提升公民道德素质的载体 [多选题] "以下说法正确的是( )。
A..附属卡持卡人无需还款,均由主卡持卡人还款 B..附属卡持卡人不能设定账单地址,账单均邮寄到主卡账单地址处 C..附属卡持卡人可开通短信功能 D..附属卡持卡人可以查询主卡的消费情况" 我来回答: 提交