Villages in developing countries often
lack many things. Books, clean water, electricity. These shortages are
{{U}} (36) {{/U}} to {{U}} (37) {{/U}} . But a {{U}} (38)
{{/U}} kind of shortage is not easy to see. That is a shortage of
{{U}} (39) {{/U}} Many villages have no doctors, engineers or scientists.
They have no one who know {{U}} (40) {{/U}} to treat unusual medical
problems or design a new expert system. There’s a way to ease these problems.
They can do it with {{U}} (41) {{/U}} . In the past few years, computer
scientists around the world {{U}} (42) {{/U}} {{U}} (43) {{/U}}
they call expert systems. An expert system is a special kind of computer
program. In some {{U}} (44) {{/U}} , it can take the place of a human
expert. For example, an expert in {{U}} (45) {{/U}} system can A. much B. many C. no more D. other [单项选择]A. She read it slowly.
B. She read it selectively. C. She finished it at a stretch. D. She went it over chapter by chapter. [单选题]下列不属于载客列车在站开门后异常自动关门(非车门夹人夹物时)情况处理的是()
A.A、《时刻表》开车点已到,报行调,故障需要处理时按电客车故障处理指南 B.B、《时刻表》开车点未到,重新打开车门 C.C、报行调,故障需要处理时按列车故障应急处理指南处理 D.D、处理完毕后(或故障无需处理时)按行调命令关门动车 [单选题]系统铺设类分散电采暖设备,接入电网线路的导线截面按经济电流密度选择,并按()长期允许发热和机械强度条件进行校核。
A.A、长期允许发热; B.最大电流; C.导电强度条件; D.最大功率 [单选题]更换机车或更换机车乘务组时,须进行( )。
A.全部试验 B.试验 C.简略试验 D.持续一定时间的全部试验 [多选题]急性心肌梗死并心源性休克应用血管扩张剂可能有益的指征是( )
A.补足血容量后,收缩压稳定保持在100mmHg B.左室充盈压显著增高 C.心排量持续降低 D.附壁血栓形成 E.合并室间隔穿孔 [单项选择]李某在一次福利彩票抽奖中,花1000元抽中一辆价值300000元的“别克”牌轿车,外加500000元现金。个人所得税税率为20%。李某应缴纳个人所得税额为( ) 元。
A. 100000 B. 0 C. 159800 D. 160000 [判断题]在现场不断监护工作人员的安全是工作执行人的责任。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交