{{B}}Text{{/B}} Nowadays almost every city has an airport, {{U}} (9) {{/U}}two, in the ease of some big cities. Like a railway station, an airport is a very{{U}} (10) {{/U}}place. At almost any hour of the day or night it is thronged{{U}} (11) {{/U}}people, many of them are passengers who are{{U}} (12) {{/U}}waiting for a flight out or who have just{{U}} (13) {{/U}}. Today, a great number of people travel from one country to another by plane just as{{U}} (14) {{/U}}as other people{{U}} (15) {{/U}}from one town to another within the same country by train or bus. The big building in which passengers wait for their plane is called the{{U}} (16) {{/U}}. When a passenger arrives{{U}} (17) {{/U}}the terminal, he goes to the airline{{U}} (18) {{/U}} A. only B. even C. lastly D. ever [单项选择]寿命表中评价居民健康状况的主要指标是()。
A. 尚存人数 B. 年龄组死亡概率 C. 生存人年数 D. 生存总人年数 E. 预期寿命 [单选题]受体阻断药的特点是
A.对受体有亲和力,且有内在活性 B.对受体无亲和力,但有内在活性 C.对受体有亲和力,但无内在活性 D.对受体无亲和力,也无内在活性 E.直接抑制传出神经末梢所释放的递质 [多选题]国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知国发〔2010〕23号规定:煤矿非煤矿山要制定和实施生产技术装备标准,安装[ ]压风自救系统供水施救系统和通信联络系统等技术装备。( );
A.监测监控系统 ; B.井下人员定位系统 ; C.紧急避险系统 ; D.防尘灭火系统; [多项选择]塑料保险杠是由()组成。
A. 外板 B. 缓冲材料 C. 弹簧 D. 横梁 [单选题]工作票有效期不得超过( )个工作日。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.5 [单项选择]安装使用波纹管时,为了得到满意的线性关系,常采用的办法()。
A. 串联弹簧 B. 预压缩 C. 预拉伸 D. 热处理 [多选题]扫黑除恶专项斗争的“两个一律”指:
A.对涉黑涉恶案件:一律一查到底,绝不姑息 B.对涉黑涉恶案件:一律深挖其背后腐败问题 C.对黑恶势力保护伞:一律深挖其背后腐败问题 D.对黑恶势力保护伞:一律一查到底,绝不姑息 [判断题]列车内可以进行任何营销活动。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在线路允许速度Vmax≤60km/h区段,本线来车时,作业人员应距列车不少于()下道完毕。
A.500m B.800m C.1400m D.2000m [多选题]运用交叉检验方法分析的“三单”指的是()、()、()。
A.税单 B.对账单 C.报关单 D.工资单 [判断题]绝缘棒的大小和尺寸取决于电气设备的电压等级。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]2.3.第3题
继电器按在继电保护中的作用,可分为()两大类。 A.测量继电器 B.中间继电器 C.辅助继电器 D.信号继电器 [判断题]集团公司对施工安全管理 “四个务必”的要求指,思想上务必重视再重视、措施上务必具体再具体、关键上务必明确再明确、问责上务必严格再严格。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 高频调谐功率放大器中,Ubm变化,被称为调谐功放的基极调制特性。
[单选题]灭火器的配置数量应按现行国家标准有关规定经计算确定,且每个场所的灭火器数量不应少于( )具.
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]From: Tony Cahill
To: All Subject: Important Notice Everybody, The IT team will be restarting the company server tonight from 9 pm until 12 am. This is a routine maintenance procedure to ensure that our network continues to perform to a high standard. Restarting the server removes a lot of the excess cache that can slow the network down. You should notice improved Internet browsing and file download speeds from tomorrow. However, this means that you cannot work on office computers after 9 pm this evening, nor will you be able to access any company databases from anywhere else during this period. The other important point to note is that you should log off your office computer before you go home this evening. If you fail to do so, the procedure may erase all of the files stored on your computer. IT technicians will also go around the building tonight double-checking that all employees are logged off, as this is crucially important. Should you have any questions o A. Work remotely from home B. Log off their computers C. Stay late to help IT staff D. Erase excess files on their desktop 我来回答: 提交