The development of rapid transit rail
lines in cities should parallel local economic development and blind
construction of such lines should be avoided, a State Council conference said
yesterday. The meeting, chaired by Premier Wen Jiabao, said the building of rapid-transit rail lines in cities should be carried out according to strict guidelines and management systems of such lines should be improved. It stressed that the amount of domestically made equipment used in such infrastructure projects needs to be increased. The meeting also deliberated on the draft amendments for laws governing the People’s Bank of China and commercial banks. Also discussed were the draft law on the supervision and management of banking sector and draft regulations on the management of central food reserves. It was agreed at the meeting that the laws g A. the People’s Bank and commercial banks do not function properly B. the People’s Bank of China has an upper hand over the commercial banks C. the two banks operate in a low efficiency D. the People’s Bank operates at a loss while the commercial banks operates at a profit [多选题]各省(自治区、直辖市)公司营销部门负责制定客户安全用电服务的()和(),对市县供电公司实行()与()。
A.管理制度 B.工作目标 C.指导监督 D.管理考核 [多项选择]在拆卸带有压力的部件和管系时,应做到()
A. 先将压力源的阀门关闭后泄压 B. 可直接拆卸 C. 主副机未停稳,示功阀未打开气缸内有余压情况下严禁拆卸缸头附件 D. 人体站位应侧对所拆部位 [判断题]小量试销你的产品服务,看看你能销出多少,这种方法对制造商和专业零售商很有效,也适合于有大量库存的企业。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]2011年国家局印发的内管工作规范中,省级局对某卷烟经营商业进行定期检查考核的主要内容是什么?
[多选题]期货交易所的非期货公司结算会员的期货从业人员不得有( )行为。
A.利用结算业务关系及由此获得的结算信息损害非结算会员及其客户的合法权益 B.代理客户从事期货交易 C.中国证监会禁止的其他行为 D.为非结算会员提供结算服务 [单项选择]科学发展观是指导发展的科学理论,是应对危机的有力武器。要运用科学发展观寻找应对之策,坚持走科学发展之路,渡过难关。要进一步深化学习,加深对科学发展观精神实质和现实指导意义的理解,切实增强贯彻落实科学发展观的自觉性和坚定性。要科学分析形势,增强必胜信心,把国际金融危机带来的压力转化为推动科学发展的动力,从实际出发创造性地贯彻落实中央“保增长、扩内需、调结构”的方针政策,着力解决经济运行中的突出问题,把国际金融危机带来的损失降低到最低程度。 这段文字着重强调的是( )
A. 要进一步深化学习,加深对科学发展观精神实质和现实指导意义的理解 B. 要以科学发展观为指导,应对国际金融危机给我国经济社会带来的挑战 C. 要增强信心,把国际金融危机带来的压力转化为推动科学发展的动力 D. 要从实际出发创造性地贯彻落实中央“保增长、扩内需、调结构”的方针政策 [单项选择]王某从某字画店买得一幅油画作品的原稿,上面没有署名。王某觉得这幅油画哪个地方美中不足,又不知到底问题在哪里,于是王某授权在某美术学院任教的秦某对画进行修改。经秦某稍作修改后,王某觉得这幅画已基本上无可挑剔,算得上是画中的精晶了。王某遂将这幅油画拿到某书画展览会参展,并在画上署上了自己的姓名。一日,某书画家方某在展览会上看到了这幅画,发现这是他还未完成的草稿,于是找到王某主张著作权。双方就著作权的归属发生争议。下列表述不正确的是哪一项
A. 在画的作者身份确定之前,王某拥有该画的著作权,并可以依法行使著作人身权和财产权 B. 王某授权秦某对画进行修改和拿画参加展览都是合法行使权利的行为 C. 在画的作者身份确定之前,王某可以对该画进行发表和复制 D. 该油画的作者确定为方某后,画的著作权归方某,王某只拥有该幅油画的所有权 [单选题]火灾报警控制器处于( )时,总线联动控制盘手动操作无效,
A.自动允许 B.自动禁止 C.手动允许 D.手动禁止 [单项选择]Fire can help people in many ways. But it can be very dangerous. Fire can heat water, warm houses, give light and cook. But fire can bum things, too. It can bum trees, houses, animals or people. Sometimes big fires can burn forests.
Nobody knows for sure how people began to use fire. But there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man very, very long time ago. He went up to the sun by a rope (绳子) and brought fire down. Today people know how to make a rue with matches (火柴) . Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can bum a piece of paper and then it might bum a house. A small fire can become a big fire very fast. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with matches. You should also learn to put out rues. (80) Fires need oxygen(氧气). Without oxygen they will die. Cover a fire with water, sand, or sometimes with your coat. T A. Fire can help people in many ways. B. Fire can be both helpful and dangerous. C. Fire can bum things and people. D. We must be careful with matches. [填空题]1. Too Dangerous for College
On Tuesday, the Associated Press reported that beer maker Anheuser - Busch has scaled back a promotion called "Fan Cans" in which the company targeted college students by painting cans of Bud Light in school colors. (46) In response, the company agreed to stop selling the special - edition cans where colleges objected. A number of colleges had complained about the campaign, on the grounds that, among other things, it sends the wrong message about drinking. " We think it’ s an ill -conceived and inappropriate campaign that runs counter to our collective efforts to combat underage drinking," a spokesman for Boston College told the Associated Press. On its face, restricting the ability of beer makers to target college students directly seems like a fine ide
A. 慢性萎缩性胃炎 B. 胃息肉 C. 肠型化生 D. 残胃炎 E. 胃溃疡 我来回答: 提交