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Virtually every company with a computer is vulnerable to computer abuse, crime and accident. Security of the computer and of the information and assets contained within it are therefore of paramount importance to management. Skilled computer criminals can break into a computer system far more easily than an armed robber can gain access to a bank vault, and usually with far less risk of apprehension and punishment. A slight change in a complex program can bring about the misappropriation of thousands of pounds. Accidental erasure of crucial data can paralyse company’s operations. Anyone familiar with the necessary procedure can gain access to information stored in the computer, no matter how confidential, and utilize it for his own purposes.
Although the actual extent of computer crime is difficult to measure, most experts agree that it is one of the fastest growing areas of illegal activity. The principal reason for both the growth and the lack
A. quite easily
B. without any risk
C. more easily than an armed robber can gain access to a bank vault and with far less risk
D. without being punished
A few decades ago, the world banking
community invented new Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) systems to move money
more efficiently across countries and around the globe. The (1)
benefit of such systems was to (2) the float of
capital that was unavailable for use (3) checks were being
cleared through banking (4) Today, we understand that the
benefits of electronic banking are far more (5) than just
reducing floating cash. The entire world of banking (6)
revolutionized. It is (7) more efficient and
faster, but also more global. And now (8) the Internet, EFT
systems are increasingly (9) with the new world of e-commerce
and e-trade. (10) 1997 and 2003, EFT value (11) fro A. is B. has C. has been D. had been [多选题]抢救疏散医院遇险人员时应注意哪些安全事项?( )
A.应在医护人员的指导下科学施救,正确选择疏散方式,不得轻易拔除患者身上的医疗管线,必要时连同病床一起疏散转移。 B.疏散传染病患者时,必须做好安全保护。 C.救援行动结束后,要对接触传染病人、传染区、传染物的人员和装备进行洗消杀毒。 [多选题]《各控股类型企业融资情况表》(S6304)个人经营性贷款反映填报机构向自然人发放的,用于从事生产经营活动的贷款,包括( )、( )、( )等。
A.个体工商户贷款 B.小微企业主贷款 C.用于生产经营的农户贷款 D.小微企业贷款 [单项选择]属于电子媒介传播的是()。
A. 咨询、演讲 B. 报刊、杂志 C. 标本、模型 D. 电影、电视 E. 书籍 [判断题]人工搬运的过道应平坦畅通,如在夜间搬运,应有足够的照明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]变压器的铁心由()大部分组成。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [判断题]商业银行交易账簿的项目通常按历史成本定价。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]上消化道出血最常见的病因是
A.肝硬化食道静脉曲张破裂出血 B.消化性溃疡 C.胆道疾病 D.急性胃黏膜损害 E.胃癌 [单项选择]不属于我国《刑事诉讼法》规定的立案条件的是()。
A. 认为有犯罪事实 B. 需要追究刑事责任 C. 属于受案机关管辖 D. 犯罪事实已基本查清 [单项选择]
A. national B. international C. domestic D. local [单选题]钩耳内侧弧面上、下弯角处裂纹长度之和不大于( )时焊修。
A.20mm B.15mm C.10mm D.25mm [多选题]录井仪器房计算机软件系统的工程应用程序包括:( )、套管分析、井史图、时效分析、井身结构、井斜分析图和井涌、井漏、卡钻等工程事故报告分析等。
A.钻杆分析 B.地层压力监测 C.水力学分析 D.钻头优化 [单项选择]临床表现突起高热、面色青灰、出冷汗及脉细数、尿少的是()
A. 急性菌痢普通型 B. 中毒型菌痢 C. 急性菌痢轻型 D. 慢性菌痢急性发作型 E. 慢性菌痢隐匿型 我来回答: 提交