Times are tough for the hundreds of English-language colleges that cluster along the south coast of England. Reforms to the student-visa system that are (1) to help cut immigration are limiting the inflow of foreigners (2) in them. But language entrepreneurs are finding (3) ways to meet the rising demand for tuition.
Students who visit English City, a language-teaching program, can chat to passers by (4) they wander through the streets, meet their tutors in virtual cafes and order snacks. Shiv Rajendran, who founded LanguageLab, a London-based start-up that (5) English City, says business is booming, though from a (6) base.
Online language instructors are benefiting from recent changes to the immigration regime. Schools that (7) students from outside the European Union must now demonstrate their trustworthiness to the borders agency. (8) , students can no longer obtain a general visa that (
A. opt
B. choose
C. select
D. elect
The horse and carriage are things of
the past. But love and marriage are still with us and still closely
interrelated. Most American marriages, particularly first marriages{{U}}
(31) {{/U}}young couples are the result of{{U}} (32)
{{/U}}attraction and affection{{U}} (33) {{/U}}than practical
considerations. In the United States, parents do not arrange marriages for their children. Teenagers begin{{U}} (34) {{/U}}in high school and usually find mates through their own{{U}} (35) {{/U}}and social contacts. Though young people feel free to choose their friends from{{U}} (36) {{/U}}groups, most choose a mate of similar background. This is due in part to{{U}} (37) {{/U}}guidance. Parents cannot select spouses for their children, but they can usually influence choices by{{U}} (38) {{/U}}disapproval of someone they consider unsuita A. However B. Furthermore C. Instead D. Therefore [单选题][T]BH004 4 1 2
在TPH400固井泵以海水为介质带载运转时,应在( )下检查泵的上水效率。 A.低档低速 B.低档高速 C.高档低速 D.高档高速 [单选题]倒落式抱杆整体组塔,为使铁塔在起立过程中能顺利就位,在地面组装时,可预先将铁塔根部抬高至基础顶端( )mm。(DL/T 5342—2018《110kV~750kV架空输电线路铁塔组立施工工艺导则》6.2.9)
A.A.100~200 B.B.200~300 C.C.300~400 D.D.400~500 [填空题]税务管理活动包括()、()、()。
[单项选择]( )不属于行政给付的内容。
A. 职务方面的权益 B. 物质方面的权益 C. 与物质有关的权益 D. 救灾扶贫 [单选题]木脚手架搭设至( )步架以上时,应及时绑抛撑。
A.三 B.四 C.五 D.六 [单项选择]电解法在线露点仪是利用( )的大小与水含量成正比的原理来测量天然气中微量水的含量
A. 所产生氧气体积 B. P2O5的含量 C. 电解电流 D. 电阻 [单项选择]They tried their best to resolve the residual problems.
A. domestic B. remaining C. geographical D. elaborate [多选题]风险管理中那些环节属于交付阶段?
A.VAR4 B.VAR5 C.VAR1 D.VAR2 E.VAR3 [单项选择]中性粒细胞不增加的疾病是()
A. 脾功能亢进 B. 尿毒症 C. 急性链球菌感染 D. 急性溶血 E. 肺吸虫病 [单选题]在Windows菜单中,暗淡的命令名项目表示该命令( )。
A. 暂时不能使用 B. 正在执行 C. 包含下一层菜单 D. 包含对话框 [单项选择]老年抑郁症的主要临床表现为()。
A. 痴呆 B. 肢体活动不灵活 C. 感知觉减退 D. 认知能力减低、失活 E. 情绪抑郁、思维障碍 [单选题](2.5分)单选题2.5下列不属于肠杆菌科细菌的是
A.双歧杆菌 B.变形杆菌 C.大肠埃希菌 D.痢疾志贺菌 E.沙门菌 [判断题]消费者保护法最基本的价值追求是公平。
[判断题]宾馆饭店在改造、装修时,不得擅自停用、拆除、移动原有消防设施。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在有限空间内进行热熔焊接作业时,作业监护人应进入有限空间内进行工作监护
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]08-32捣固车的高低传感器安装在( )。311030103
A.A点小车 B.B点小车 C.C点小车 D.D点小车 [判断题]登高人员必须经过健康检查,患有高血压、心脏病、精神病以及不适合登高作业的人员不得登高作业。
A. 痰核 B. 痈 C. 疥肿 D. 红丝疔 E. 阴疽 [单项选择]关于《游园惊梦》,下列表述错误的是()。
A. 小说写的是1949年从大陆撤离到台湾的国民党上流社会人士的生活际遇、心理反应及其七八十年代的台湾现实 B. 小说熔中国传统小说与西方现代主义小说艺术手段于一炉 C. 小说用细腻的心理描写和意识流手法刻画蓝田王的内心活动 D. 性格化的对白、象征与暗示等手法,强化了艺术效果,突出了人物性格和悲剧主题 [单选题]个人安全行动计划中领导行为是指体现领导干部主动关注、积极推进()的具体行动。
A.安全管理 B.HSE管理 C.健康管理 D.环境管理 [判断题]使用列车无线调度通信设备向司机发布、转达调度命令时,须在进入关系区间(车站)前传达复诵完毕
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]{{I}} Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.{{/I}}What does the speaker imply was the purpose of Lincoln’s speech
A. To suggest changes to government structure. B. To criticize the practice of slavery. C. To convince the South to surrender. D. To inspire Northerners to support the war. [多选题] 新(改、扩)建工程竣工验收前,施工单位(建设方)应向变电站移交( )资料。
A.设备制造厂说明书 B.设备合格证、设备出厂试验记录 C.现场调试报告、试验报告 D.安装施工图纸 E.备品备件 [判断题]能量差异指的是固定制造费用的实际金额与固定制造费用预算金额之间的差额。()
[单选题]( )是准许施工的唯一凭证。
A.同意施工的调度命令 B.施工作业令 C.施工负责人证件 D.作业令号 [单项选择]现在计算机运算的基础是什么?()
A. 单晶硅 B. 芯片 C. 集成电路 D. 与或非运算 我来回答: 提交