When I appeared before you on a
previous occasion, I had seen nothing of American art save the Doric columns and
Corinthian chimney-pots visible on your Broadway and Fifth Avenue. I find that
what your people need is not so much high imaginative art but that which hallows
the vessels of everyday use. I suppose that the poet will sing and the artist will paint regardless whether the world praises or blames. He has his own world and is independent of his fellow-men. But the handicraftsman is dependent on your pleasure and opinion. He needs your encouragement and he must have beautiful surroundings. Your people love art but do not sufficiently honor the handicraftsman. I find one great trouble all over is that your workmen are not given to noble designs. You cannot be indifferent to this, because art is n A. few people are indifferent to high imaginative art B. handicrafts and decoration work lack artistic quality C. handicraftsmen find it difficult to live a decent life D. most artists seem to indulge in fancy day-dreaming [单选题]以下错误的定义语句是( )。
A.int x[][3]={{0},{1},{1,2,3}}; B.int x[4][3]={{1,2,3},{1,2,3},{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}; C.int x[4][]={{1,2,3},{1,2,3},{1,2,3},{1,2,3}}; D. int x[][3]={1,2,3,4}; [判断题]有接地刀闸的10kV手车柜在检修时不必装设临时接地线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The differences in living standards around the world are vast. In 1993, the average American had an income of about $25,000. In the same year, the average Mexican earned $7,000, and the average Nigerian earned $1,500. Not surprisingly, this large variation in average income is reflected in various measures of the quality of life. Changes in living standards over time are also large. In the United States, incomes have historically grown about 2 percent per year (after adjusting for changes in the cost of living). At this rate, average income doubles every 35 years. In some countries, economic growth has been even more rapid. In Japan, for instance, average income has doubled in the past 20 years, and in South Korea it has doubled in the past 10 years.
What explains these large differences in living standards among countries and over time The answer is surprisingly simple. Almost all variation in living standards is attributable to differences in countries’’ productivity—that is, th
A. modest B. poor C. meaningless D. plentiful [单选题]带止回阀的喷油器泵压进行密封性检查时,泵油压力是()。
A.略低于止回阀开启压力 B.略高于止回阀开启压力 C.略低于针阀开启压力 D.循环油压 [填空题]影响外照射生物效应的因素主要有:___________、___________、______________、______________、______________等。
A. 行包运输 B. 集装箱 C. 超限货物 D. 大件运输 [填空题]基站接地电阻值原则上应满足小于()的要求,接地系统均应采取()。
A.咨询辅导者 B.促进者 C.联结者 D.协调者 [简答题]《工商行政管理机关股权出质登记办法》的适用范围是什么?
[多选题] 车站值班员接到( )等人员的救援请求后,应立即报告列车调度员。列车调度员应向有关车站发布命令封锁区间,并派出救援列车。
A.司机 B.工务 C.电务 D.供电 [多选题]离心泵叶轮平衡孔堵塞会引起的不良后果有( )。
A.轴向力不平衡 B.加大止推轴承的受力 C.加快止推轴承的磨损 D.泵的效率下降 我来回答: 提交