The video game poses a world a much
simpler world than our own. wherein success is very clearly defined and, for a
time. clearly attainable. Through practice, a player can control this world for
a while. He can escape from the anxieties of real life into a place where his
own actions always count, where he can be a hero. When the game is over. he
hash’ t lost or been beaten. Is a surfer beaten when he files from a
wave Most video games call for some semblance of hand-eye coordination, and some hospitals are now using them in rehabilitation programs for brain-damaged patients. It has been found that some patients who were otherwise thought to be unreachable have been "brought out" through their use. Moreover experimental re- search is now being conducted regarding the feasibility of video games as a test for drunken driving. A. video games create a world which reflect our real life B. most video games are helpful rather than harmful to people C. more research should be done regarding the benefits of video games D. video games mirror a balance between reality and our own wishes [判断题]按《江苏石油分公司突发环境事件应急管理办法》的规定,若环境事件发生初期无法按事件分级标准确定级别,其报告应注明初步判断的可能级别。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]谵语与郑声的区别是:
A.前者声高气粗,后者声低息微 B.前者胡言乱语,后者语言重复 C.前者多属实证,后者属虚证 D.前者为热证,后者为寒证 E.前者多由邪热亢盛、扰乱心神,后者多由精气虚衰、心神无主 [单项选择]生产国家食品药品监督管理局已批准上市的已有国家标准的药品的注册申请是()
A. 新药申请 B. 进口药品申请 C. 补充申请 D. 仿制药申请 E. 药品生产申请 [单项选择]1997年冬,某县卫生防疫站于某被派下乡了解疾病发生情况。调查中得知某乡有一病人患流行性出血热去外地住院。但于某既未向防疫站反映,也未采取任何措施,却在乡干部家玩了三天。此时,该村已有9人患该病住院。依据传染病防治法,于某可能承担的法律责任是
A. 行政处分 B. 行政处罚 C. 行政赔偿 D. 民事赔偿 E. 批评教育 [单选题](2.5分)单选题
影响抗原免疫原性的因素有 A. 分子量 B. 结构复杂性 C. 进入机体的方式 D. 抗原的化学性质 E. 以上全是 [单选题]操作人张某在监护人李某的监护下,完成了将某10kV线路由运行转检修的操作,按操作分类,此次设备操作属( )。
A.就地操作 B.单人操作 C.监护操作 D.单一操作 [单项选择]阿米巴痢疾的主要防治措施之一是().
A. 治疗病人和带虫者 B. 防止猫粪污染食物与水源 C. 注意饮食卫生,不吃未熟肉类 D. 改善环境卫生,消灭鼠类 E. 消灭保虫宿主 [简答题]要求司机以不超过5km/h的速度不停车连续连挂的联系手信号是( )
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