Since the auto is the main source of
travel in America and distances between major cities are far, a common way of
getting around the country is by hitchhiking. Although it is not illegal, law
enforcers(执行者) and ’most people in authority, especially school administrators,
try to discourage people, especially the young, from traveling this way. Most
people, however, are aware of the dangers which one can encounter by hitchhiking
but the money saved by doing so is often just a compensation for the risk
involved. The hitchhiker usually stands at the entrance ramps(坡道) of highways or along the road itself with fingers clenched and the thumb of the right hand extended and pointing to the direction of the traffic. This is called "thumbing a ride", an expression coined(创造)in the late 1930s, which is also another name for hitchh A. he must look like a patient B. he’d better do it with his family C. those who drive along may not be a good choice D. a little money should be paid for the extra room [多选题] 滚动杆段时滚动( )不应有人。杆段( )移动时,应随时将支垫处用木楔掩牢。
A.前方 B.后方 C.内侧 D.顺向 [判断题]非集中操纵的接发车进路上的道岔,装设道岔表示器,集中操纵的道岔.调车场及峰
下咽喉的道岔,不装设道岔表示器。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据DL/T499--2001《农村低压电力技术规程》的规定,当用户计量装置在室外时,对接户线和进户线的划分正确的是( )。
A.从电力线路到用户室外计量装置的一段线路为接户线。 B.从电力线路到用户室外计量装置的一段线路为进户线。 C.从用户室外计量装置出线端至用户室内计量装置或配电装置的一段线路为接户线。 D.从用户室外计量装置出线端至用户室内计量装置或配电装置的一段线路为进户线。 [单选题]在南极海域冰冷的海水中,有一种独特的鱼类,它们的血液和体液中具有一种防冻蛋白,因为该蛋白它们才得以存活并演化至今。但时至今日,该种鱼类的生存却面临巨大挑战。有人认为这是海水升温导致的。
A.防冻蛋白能够防止水分子凝结,从而保证南极鱼类正常的活动,气候变暖使得该蛋白变得可有可无 B.南极海水中的含氧量随气温上升而下降,缺氧导致防冻蛋白变性,易沉积于血管,导致供血不足,从而缩短鱼的寿命 C.南极鱼类在低温稳定的海水中能够持续的演化,而温暖的海水不利于南极鱼类的多样性 D.并非所有南极种都具有防冻蛋白,某些生活于副极地的物种并没有这种蛋白 [判断题]动车组应有识别的标记:路徽、配属局段简称、车型、车号、定员、自重、载重、全长、最高运行速度、制造厂名和日期、定期修理日期、修程和处所。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交