W: Could you tell me the time of the last plane to New York this evening
M: There’s one at 9:20, but it’s fully booked, I think.
W: Then the time of the first plane tomorrow morning
M: The first plane leaves at 7:30.
W: Can you tell me when it arrives so that I can ask my secretary to come and meet me
M: It arrives at 10:30,but maybe a little late because of the bad weather.
W: Well, I wonder if you’d let me know if there’s any change on that flight, I’d appreciate it.
M: Yes, of course. What’s your room number
W: 609. Thank you.
A. 低塑性混凝土 B. 塑性混凝土 C. 干硬性混凝土 D. 流动性混凝土 [多项选择]关于勤劳和节俭,正确的认识有( )。
A. 在生产发展的今天,社会需要的是勤劳而不是节俭 B. 勤劳与节俭是人们事业成功的两个重要方面 C. 勤劳与节俭是对立统一、相辅相成的关系 D. 勤劳与节俭的形式可以变,但精神不能变 [单选题] Brugada综合征Ⅲ型的心电图特征是( )
A. V1-V3导联ST段下斜型升高≥2mm,T波倒置 B. V1-V3导联ST段倒置 C. ST段“马鞍型”或下斜型升高<1mm,应用钠通道阻滞剂可转变为I型,存在临床表现 D. V1-V3导联ST段“马鞍型”升高,起始部升高≥2mm E. V1-V3导联ST段下凹部升高≥1mm,T波直立或双相 [简答题]作物营养有哪两个关键时期?如何利用其指导施肥?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] ( )是对油液进行过滤的设备(易)
A.液压泵 B.油箱 C.过滤器 D.蓄能器 [填空题] Teach Your Child Science
1 It is important to make your child interested in science from an early age. Most young children ask a lot of questions and you should give careful scientific answers. Don’t only give facts, but try to give explanations as well. 2 Science is not just knowledge; it is a way of thinking, a method of finding out about the world. We see something. We try to explain it, and we test our idea by setting up an experiment. One day you come home and find the plant on the table has fallen over. You think it might be the wind from the open window or the cat, so you close the window, but leave the cat in and see what happens (you can also try leaving the window open and shutting the cat out). Of course, you remember there may be a third explanation. 3 Ask your child to get a piece of string, some salt, a glass of water and an ice cube (冰块). Tell her to put the ice in the water, and then put one end of the string on th [单选题]电源开关及各分支电源应有与负荷匹配的熔断器或开关,均应装设动作不大于( )的漏电开关
A.30Mas B.42Mas C.63Mas D.100Mas [单选题]自下而上的沟通被称为(____)。
A.平行沟通 B.下行沟通 C.上行沟通 D.团队沟通 [单选题]食品雕刻技术的高低直接影响到雕刻成品的成败,食品雕刻的技术要求不包括( )
A.食品雕刻者不但要学习构图知识和艺术表现手法,还要在生活中不断地积累素材 B.学习食品雕刻过程要多看别人的作品:多动手苦练:多学有关工艺美术方面的知识: C.在雕刻中做到落刀准确、轻快有力、灵而不浮、韧而不重、干净利落 D.必须掌握食物雕刻原料的产地和来源 [单项选择]与子宫颈癌病因关系最密切的病毒是()
A. HBV B. HPV C. HIV D. HTLV E. EBV 我来回答: 提交