"I promise." "I swear to you it’ll
never happen again." "I give you my word." "Honestly. Believe me." Sure, I
trust. Why not I teach English composition at a private college. With a certain
excitement and intensity, I read my students’ essays, hoping to find the person
behind the pen. As each semester progresses, plagiarism (剽窃) appears. Not only
is my intelligence insulted as one assumes I won’t detect a polished piece of
prose from an otherwise-average writer, but I feel a sadness that a student has
resorted to buying a paper from a peer. Writers have styles like fingerprints
and after several assignments, I can match a student’s work with his or her name
even if it’s missing from the upper left-hand corner. Why is learning less important than a higher grade-point average (GPA) When we’re threatened or sick, we make conditional promises. "If you let me A. students usually keep their promises B. some students tend to break their promises C. the promises are always behind the situation D. we cannot judge the situation in advance, as we do to the promises [单选题]事故隐患分为一般事故隐患和()事故隐患。
A.较大 B.重大 C.特大 [判断题]巡查养护制是指施工现场应设置巡养人员,对施工地段进行巡查和养护,发现并及时消除危及行车安全的处所。《修规》第2.4.3条
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]中风或中风先兆的舌态是
A. 舌短 B. 舌缩 C. 舌痿 D. 舌软 E. 舌歪 [单选题]船舶含油污水的排放方法是( )。
A.排放接入设备 B.15PPM设备 C. A+B D. A或B [单项选择]抵销的法律性质属于
A. 自助行为 B. 正当防卫 C. 紧急避险 D. 公力救济 [多选题]上级党组织应当加强对报告的综合分析利用,做到( )。
A.对于有推广价值的典型经验做法,可以通过适当形式进行宣传 B.对于共性问题,应当予以重视并研究解决 C.对于有价值的意见建议,应当认真研究吸收、推动改进工作 D.对于个性问题,应当及时做好答复 [单项选择]国家发展和改革宏观调控部门负责()
A. 组织制定国家基本药物目录 B. 医药行业管理工作 C. 药品价格的监督管理工作 D. 研究制定药品流通行业发展规划 E. 药品、医疗器械行政监督和技术监督 [简答题] By the mid-1990s, banks and investment organizations had realized that academics skilled in mathematical modelling could help them to devise winning strategies with which to play the world’’s financial markets. George Sugihara, who had built a formidable reputation among ecologists by analyzing the population dynamics of fish and plankton (浮游生物), was a prize catch. Deutsche Bank wanted him to apply those talents to its "black-box project", a secret endeavour designed to predict the prices of various financial instruments.
Sugihara struck a hard bargain. In addition to providing an ample salary, Deutsche Bank agreed to let him stay in San Diego — where the Frankfurt-based firm provided a large luxurious office overlooking the harbour. There, it gave him all the resources he needed to devise models to interpret price trends from masses of financial data.
In 1995, when Sugihara took leave of absence from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), his colleagues thought
[单项选择]Speaker A. Hello, John. Fancy meeting you here!
Speaker B: ( ). A. How do you do B. Hi, Jane. Where are you going C. Hello, Jane. Haven’t seen you since Christmas. D. How are you Have you had your meal 我来回答: 提交