Don’t call him just a college
professor. Internet entrepreneur, TV personality, advisor to presidents, and
friend to the rich and powerful would be more accurate. Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. is better known for his activities outside the academy. This week he sold Africana com, a website he created with a fellow Harvard University professor, to Time Warner. Terms of the deal weren’t revealed, though the Wall Street Journal pegged the price at more than $10 million, with Gates reaping up to $1 million. Time Warner will incorporate the site, a portal with news and information about people of African descent, into America Online when the two merge as expected. The sense is that Gates got a very good deal. The site is a rich source of scholarship but hardly a rich source of revenue. As recently as the late 1980s Gates, who turns A. "have blamed him for a certain fault" B. "have made him pay for his mistake" C. "have had him do an assignment" D. "have trusted him with a certain job" [判断题]检查建筑接近限界时,接触网不必停电。( .
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]再生障碍性贫血最易与下列哪种疾病混淆()
A. 白细胞减少性白血病 B. 特发性血小板减少性紫癜 C. 阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿 D. 脾功能亢进 E. 骨髓纤维化症 [判断题]《民法典》规定,非法人组织是不具有法人资格,但是能够依法以自己的名义从事民事活动的组织。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据《关于解决国家和他国国民之间投资争端公约》,甲缔约国与乙缔约国的某公司通过书面约定一致同意:双方之间因直接投资而产生的争端,应直接提交解决投资争端国际中心仲裁。据此事实,下列选项正确的是( )。
A. 任何一方可单方面撤销对提交该中心仲裁的同意 B. 在中心仲裁期间,乙国无权对该公司行使外交保护 C. 在该案中,任何一方均有权要求用尽当地救济解决争端 D. 对该中心裁决不服的一方有权向有管辖权的法院提起撤销裁决的诉讼 [多项选择]对委托贷款业务进行实质性审’查时,应重点审查的内容有()。
A. 委托贷款账面价值的真实性 B. 收益确认的合法性 C. 期末计价的正确性 D. 委托贷款的合理性 E. 委托贷款业务是否经过批准 [判断题]醉酒的人犯罪,应当从轻或者免除处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列措施中属于银监会对违反国家有关银行业监督管理规定的处罚措施的有()。
A. 剥夺政治权利 B. 取消董事、高级管理人员任职资格 C. 禁止从事银行业工作 D. 经济处罚 E. 纪律处分 [单项选择]PLC的发展阶段从出现到现在基本有()个阶段。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单项选择]金融市场中最重要的金融交易价格是()。
A. 存款准备金率 B. 利率 C. 税率 D. 通货膨胀率 [单选题]探亲乘车证准乘除()外的各种旅客列车。
A.国际列车 B.国际列车、旅游列车 C.旅游列车 D.直达特快旅客列车 [单项选择]Whether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. There is certainly much work which is exceedingly weary and an excess of work is always very painful. I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the worker. Most of the work that most people have to do is not in itself interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything sufficiently pleasant to be worth doing. And whatever they decide, they are troubled by the feeling that somethi
A. delightful but time consuming B. exceedingly dull and always painful C. not worth doing and bearable at all D. not interesting but very rewarding [单选题]举高消防车训练应有()在场组织,必须对停车场地、周边及上空、天气及风力等因素进行安全评估
A.班长 B.队站主官 C.安全员 D.干部 [单选题]在车列、车辆运行中,禁止在车辆的()上站立(罐车除外)。
A.车梯 B.车内 C.车厢 D.闸台 [单选题]截至2021年,我国基本养老保险覆盖已近()亿人。
A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 [简答题]简述社会保障的定义及核心内容。
Such Accidents Are Rather Common [多项选择]管理咨询不是一般的服务,而是为客户提供管理知识和技能的智力服务,这种智力服务是( )。
A. 中介机构的服务关系 B. 甲方和乙方的合作关系 C. 没有起到中介作用的第三方 D. 领导和被领导的关系 E. 管理咨询专家和咨询客户共同参与的活动 [单项选择]在工程索赔中,各种()可以作为索赔证据。
A. 统计核算资料 B. 会计核算资料 C. 审计核算资料 D. 业务核算资料 我来回答: 提交