Steve Courtney wrote historical novels.
Not, he was quick to explain, over-colourful love stories of the kind that made
so much money for so many women writers, but novels set, and correctly set, in
historical periods. Whatever difference he saw in his own books, his readers did
not seem to notice it, and his readers were nearly all women. He had studied in
university, but he had been a particularly good student, and he had never
afterwards let any academic knowledge he had achieved interfere with his
writing. Helen, his wife, who did not have a very high opinion of her husband’ s ability as a novelist, had been careful to say when she married him she was not historically minded. Above all, Helen was doubtful whether her relationship with Steve would work at all in the village of Stretton, to which they had just moved. A. he would not be able to write so well in the country B. he would not feel so important in Strettan C. his relationship with Helen was changing D. he would not be lonely without all his London friends [单项选择]
火警信号发出后,驾驶台应将火灾发生的()。 A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①②③④⑤ [单项选择]为了做好项目组织计划工作,人力资源管理最基础的工作是( )。
A. 工作分析 B. 职责安排 C. 项目经理角色的确定 D. 人员的配备 [多项选择]下列关于雷达的叙述,正确的是()
A. 雷达是利用无线电波遇到障碍物时发生反射的原理来探测前方物体的 B. 雷达使用的是连续电磁波 C. 二次大战时,雷达首先在英国被作为空防的主要探测手段 D. 雷达发出的电磁波遇到物体反射的回波的能量比原始波小得多 [单项选择]下面程序的功能是输出以下形式的金字塔图案是:
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
main( )
{ int i,j;
{ for(j=1;j<=4-i;j++)printf( “ ” );
在下划线处应填入的是( )。
A. i B. 2*i-1 C. 2*i+1 D. i+2 [单选题](中)( )党组织对违犯党的纪律的党员, 应当坚持( ), 执纪必严、违纪必究, 抓早抓小、防微杜渐, 按照错误性质和情节轻 重,给以批评教育直至纪律处分。
A.从严治党 B.批评与自我批评 C.惩前毖后、治病救人 D.严格要求 [判断题]防错法:又称(愚巧法).(防呆法)。是指没有经验的.做事马虎的甚或愚笨的人来做,都不会出错的方法。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]在措施费的计算中,下列( )是以直接工程费为计算基数的。
A. 文明施工费 B. 夜间施工费 C. 二次搬运费 D. 施工排、降水费 E. 脚手架费 [多选题]作息时间表由支队级以上单位按照本条令的规定,依据( ) 等情况制定。
A.季节 B.任务 C.驻地环境 D. 驻地实际 [单项选择]关于Ⅱa型高脂血症的描述错误的是
A. VLDL↑ B. 血清外观透明或轻度浑浊 C. 电泳深β带 D. 常见原因为LDL受体缺陷 E. 以上都对 [单项选择]The Function of Adrenocorticotriopin
Some people can quite accurately time the end of their night’’s sleep at will, without using an alarm clock, demonstrating that it is possible to voluntarily control a state of consciousness that is characterized by a loss of volition and attentional guidance. Here we show that the expectation that sleep will come to an end at a certain time induces a marked increase in the concentration of the hormone adrenocorticotriopin(促肾上腺皮质激素) in the blood one hour before waking. The regulation of adrenocorticotropin release during nocturnal sleep is therefore not confined to daily rhythms._________(46).
_________(47). Normally, the release of adrenocorticotropin and cortisol(皮质醇) increases during late stages of sleeping, reaching a daily maximum at the time of spontaneous waking. Adrenocorticotropin and Cortisol are also released from the pituitary-adrenal system in a major adaptive response to stress, and are secreted in anticipation of stressful e
[单选题]( )训练是指依托训练设施和手段较为完善集成的固定场所开展技战术演训的一种训练方法。
A. 基地化 B. 模拟化 C. 实战化 D. 网络化 [单选题]人力制动机的辅修除( )手制动机作用不良时须分解检修外,其他各型人力制动机以外观检查和试验为主要内容,保证人力制动机有良好的技术状态。
A.链条式制动机 B.脚踏式制动机 C.FSW型制动机 D.NSW型制动机 [单选题]根据换气检修要求,( )型动车组换气装置振动加速度具体标准为:测试区域内任一处振动加速度值大于1m/s2。
A. CRH2A/B/E/C B. CRH2A统及CRH380A C. CRH380A(L) D. CRH2C1/2C2 [单选题]在公司I类精密进近最低标准中,机长必须在所飞机型上已获得了超过( )小时的机长飞行经验,机长和副驾驶已经受到了II类运行的理论教育
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.无要求 [判断题]手摇把、电动手摇把必须存放在专用的行车备品柜内,严禁柜外存放,手摇把、电动手摇把固定放置于车辆段信号楼。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]车辆分公司的主要职责是()。
A.列车牵引用电及其他设施提供电能 B.车辆日常维护和维修及架、大修等 C.通信、信号系统的检维修、大修任务 D.全网路线路轨道、车站土建结构、隧道、桥梁的维护、维修服务保障 我来回答: 提交