Let me speak first to parents. You are
the ones who plant, or fail to plant, the seeds of character in your children.
Try from the beginning to put into your children’s minds the capacity to feel
shame by letting them know that, just as there are actions for which they can
win praise, so there are others--lying, cheating, stealing--that are
unacceptable and for which they will be punished. As parents, you are not alone in your efforts to form character. Organizations such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts teach accountability and strengthen it with pressure of equals. Churches are also strong helpers. I remember clearly an event from my childhood. In our church’s Sunday school playroom was a set of little lead cowboys and Indians. One day, I took one of them home, and that night my brother A. Parents are very important in helping form the children’s character. B. One can have more than one way to shape character. C. Punishment should be carded out quickly. D. The author ran a mile and a half to avoid the shower of scoldings. [单选题]甲在无资金保证的情况下,使用行贿的手段从某银行开出400万元的银行汇票,兑成40万美元后注册了一个公司。然后又用这40万美元作抵押,向某银行开出200万元人民币的银行汇票,将款汇入自己的账户后提走。甲的行为构成( )
A.贷款诈骗罪 B.金融凭证诈骗罪 C.诈骗罪 D.票据诈骗罪 [单选题] 下列操作中( )会造成塔底轻组份含量大。
A.塔顶回流量小 B.塔釜蒸汽量大 C.回流量大 D.进料温度高 [判断题]垂直运输机械作业人员、安装拆卸工、爆破作业人员、起重信号工、登高架设作业人员等特种作业人员,经过岗前培训,方可上岗作业。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某病人要做腰穿检查,有恐惧感,从医德要求考虑,临床医生应向病人做的主要工作是()
A. 要征得病人知情同意 B. 告知做腰穿的必要性,嘱病人配合 C. 告知做腰穿时应注意的事项 D. 因诊断需要,先动员,后手术 E. 动员家属做病人思想工作 [单选题]严重的Ⅱ性呼吸衰竭患者,不给予高浓度氧是因为:( )
A.缺氧不是主要原因 B.可引起氧中毒 C.诱发呼碱 D.诱发代碱 E.解除了低氧兴奋呼吸中枢的作用 [单项选择]脉冲宽度为30ns时,逻辑分析仪定时分析速率选择为()时,该脉冲被看作毛刺。
A. 100MHz B. 10MHz C. 50MHz D. 200MHz [填空题]When shopping online, it is important to bear a few basics in mind. Not only will these help keep you safe but they will also (36) you find the best bargains possible, regardless of what you’re looking to buy. The Internet is a completely different marketplace from live, face-to-face transacting, and this poses certain (37) problems.
Firstly, make sure you know you can trust the seller. If you’re buying from a private individual through an independent selling platform like an online (38) site, make sure you check their (39) score or ratings to determine whether or not they are reliable. (40) if you happen to buy from an online company, or branded website, make sure they are (41) and carry secure ordering facilities. That way, you’re less likely to get (42) off by some unscrupulous seller, or to suffer from credit card (43) At the end of the day, (44) , so make sure you have somethi [单选题]当硫化氢警报器报警,听到撤离信号后( )人员立即离开现场。
A.全部; B.非必要; C.必要; D.被指定。 [多项选择]风景名胜区管理实行“科学规划、统一管理、严格保护、永续利用”的基本原则。下列关于其相互关系的表述中正确的是()。
A. “科学规划”是实现“永续利用”的基础与前提 B. “统一管理”是实现“永续利用”的手段和保证 C. “严格保护”是实现“永续利用”的途径和措施 D. “永续利用”是规划管理的终极目的与核心 E. “统一管理”是规划管理的强制要求 [简答题]设备检修工作结束操作复电前,需要做到“五必核一确认”、“设备状态双核实”是指?
[单选题]按照我国《保险法》的规定,保险人与被保险人或受益人达成赔偿协议或给付保险金额协议的情况下,应在达成协议后( )内履行赔偿或给付义务。
A.30日 B.20日 C.15日 D.10日 [判断题]起吊有吊耳环的物体时,吊点可以不设在吊耳环上()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]【42114】下列设备接地不属于保护接地的是( )。 ( )
A.配电变压器中性点接地 B.电动机外壳接地 C.电流互感器二次接地 D.配电盘盘体接地 [单项选择]女婴,3个半月,混合喂养,腹泻2个月,大便 5~6次/日,稀或糊状,无脓血,食欲好。面部湿疹,体重5.8kg,最可能的诊断是( )
A. 迁延性腹泻 B. 慢性腹泻 C. 感染性腹泻 D. 饮食性腹泻 E. 生理性腹泻 [判断题]听证主持人可就听证内容当场作出行政处罚决定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在审查行政许可过程中,对于申请人和利害关系人陈述和申辩,烟草专卖行政主管部门工作人员应当予以记录。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]There are (S1) _________ research methods you can use to (S2) _________ information. As a researcher, you can choose the method or methods that result in your finding the most information. Your skill in using these methods improves with (S3) _________, just as cooking improves with each dish.
(S4)_________ interviews is one of the ways to acquire information. Deciding who to interview is your first step. You often find (S5) _________ interviewees through library research or by talking with others. Once you decide who to interview, you (S6) _________ the interview. You can conduct interviews in person, by phone, or even by mail. Your most important (S7) _________ is to be pre pared for the interview. (S8)_______________________________________.Asking questions becomes easier if you take a reporter’s perspective. Asking who, where, when, what, how and why helps you explore all areas of a topic. Most people enjoy talking about subjects that interest them and sharing their knowledge w
[单项选择]某商品流通企业的经营安全率是8%,说明该企业经营( )
A. 处于危险阶段 B. 要引起注意 C. 比较安全 D. 很安全 [判断题]联锁是指信号系统中的信号机、道岔和轨道之间建立的一种相互制约关系。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]OLT主控盘中的系统ONUACL功能是针对以下哪种流的规则
A.上行流 B.下行流 C.上行和下行流 D.该规则无效 [简答题]工作负责人的安全责任有哪些?配电《安规》
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