For years there have been endless
articles stating that scientists are on the verge of achieving artificial
intelligence, that it is just around the corner. The truth is that it may be
just around the corner, but they haven’t yet found the right clock. Artificial intelligence aims to build machines that can think. One immediate problem is to define thought, which is harder than you might think. The specialists in the field of artificial intelligence complain, with some justification, that anything that their machines do is dismissed as not being thought. For example, computers can now play very, very good chess. They can’t beat the greatest players in the world, but they can beat just about anybody else. If a human being played chess at this level, he or she would certainly be considered smart. Why not a machine The answer i A. the writer thinks that the specialists’ complaints have some reasons B. anything that the computer does can be regarded as thought C. it is not very difficult to define thought D. computers play chess in exactly the same way as humans [单项选择]"病趺蹶,其人但能前,不能却",此病是哪条经脉受伤()
A. 足太阳经 B. 足阳明经 C. 足少阳经 D. 足少阴经 [判断题]水在各种细胞中的含量都是最多的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 在使用FX2N可编程序控制器控制交通灯时,将相对方向的同色灯并联起来,是为了( )。
A.简化电路 B.节约电线 C.节省PLC输出口 D.减少工作量 [单选题]有下列行为之一的,分别由铁路沿线所在地县级以上地方人民政府水行政主管部门、国土资源主管部门或者无线电管理机构等依照有关水资源管理、矿产资源管理、无线电管理等法律、行政法规的规定处罚()。
A.未经批准在铁路线路两侧各1000米范围内从事露天采矿、采石或者爆破作业 B.未经批准在铁路线路两侧各1200米范围内从事露天采矿、采石或者爆破作业 C.未经批准在铁路线路两侧各1500米范围内从事露天采矿、采石或者爆破作业 [单项选择]在三相半控桥式整流电路带电阻性负载的情况下,能使输出电压刚好维持连续的控制角α等于()
A. 30° B. 45° C. 60° D. 90° [多选题]下列关于电子申请的说法正确的是?
A.国家知识产权局电子专利申请系统收到电子文件的日期为递交日 B.申请人提交电子申请文件的日期为递交日 C.通过电子方式发送的通知书,以实际下载日为当事人收到通知书之日 D.通过电子方式发送的通知书,自发文日起满15日推定为当事人收到通知书之日 [单项选择]下列关于商业银行资本的表述,正确的是()。
A. 银行资本等于会计资本、监管资本和经济资本之和 B. 商业银行的会计资本等于经济资本 C. 经济资本是根据银行所承担的风险计算的、银行需要保有的最低资本量 D. 经济资本是一种完全取决于银行盈利大小的资本 [单选题]脚手架的安装、拆除和使用,应执行《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程[火(水)电厂(动力部分)]》中的有关规定及国家相关规程规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]属于非离子型表面活性剂的是
A. 肥皂类 B. 高级脂肪醇硫酸酯类 C. 脂肪族磺酸化物 D. 聚山梨酯类 E. 卵磷脂 [判断题]硝铵类炸药的性质不是主要取决于硝酸铵。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
主动脉粥样硬化形成的主 动脉瘤最常⻅于( ) A.冠状动脉开⼝处 B.升主动脉 C.腹主动脉 D.肾动脉开⼝处 E.主动脉⼸ [单选题]依据《给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范》GB50268-2008第4.5.11,柔性管道的沟槽回填作业中,管道回填时间宜在一昼夜中( )时段,从管道两侧同时回填,同时夯实。
A.气温最高 B.气温最低 C.湿度最高 D.湿度最低 [单项选择]某旅馆的经营管理人员不服公安机关因其违反安全规定作出的拘留5日的处罚,而欲直接向人民法院提起行政诉讼,其提起诉讼的期限应为自知道拘留决定作出之日起
A. 一个月内 B. 二个月内 C. 三个月内 D. 六个月内 [填空题] A northern cold spell gripped much of northern and eastern China yesterday, as local authorities issued terrible weather warnings and launched (36)________plans to ensure safe transportation in the snow.
The cold front, which brought snow showers mainly to Henan, Anhui, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces, (37)________Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Liaoning provinces, putting pressure on the post-Spring-Festival travel (38)________The bad weather has caused (39)________on roads, trains and airports. Several highways surrounding Beijing were closed yesterday. Delays and (40)________ of flights at several airports meant many (41)________were unable to return to work after the week-long holiday. "At least four flights of the China Eastern Airlines were (42)________because of the snow," said a (43)________with the airport in Lanzhou, capital of Northwest China’’s Gansu Province. In Shenyang, capital of Northeast China’’s Liaoning Province, (44)________________.
No major incidents of str
[判断题]任何电气设备上的安全标志牌,除原来放置人员或负责的运行值班人员外,其他任何人员不准 移动。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]低压电气带电工作,禁止使用()等工具。
A.锉刀 B.金属尺 C.带有金属物的毛刷 D.带有金属物的毛掸 E./ F./ [判断题]( )动车组调车作业,禁止跟踪出站调车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]合成纤维吊装带使用禁止与尖锐棱角接触。
A. A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]63岁的王局长赋闲在家后总是失落、怀旧,感到自己老了就没用了,这种表现是( )
A.空巢综合征 B.退休综合征 C.高楼住宅综合征 D.亲子冲突 E.老年抑郁症 [判断题]乙烯机系统N2置换合格后,充压至0.3MPa保压。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]隐匿、伪造或者擅自销毁医学文书,构成犯罪的
A.给予刑事处罚 B.开除 C.注销注册、收回医师执业证书 D.责令暂停执业活动3~6个月 [填空题]混凝土缺陷的检测可采用()法。
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