Letter-writing goes back thousands of
years but heated up during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Historically(perhaps
now)letters were indicators of status and breeding. Like conversation, they were
used to manipulate, embellish, entertain, threaten, seduce and of course do
business. On the way home from discovering America, Christopher Columbus got
caught in a storm and his mind turned—as a good bourgeois parent—to his two
sons. Who would pay their school fees if he came to a watery end He picked up a
quill and documented his accomplishments on the voyage for his Spanish patrons,
King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, rolled up the letter in a wooden Madeira cask
and threw it into the sea. This was not so much for posterity but rather what
University of York professor William H. Sherman has called "a father’s desperate
petition for A. was widely accepted thousands of years ago. B. could serve a wide variety of purposes in the past. C. served as a document forwarded to the King and Queen in Columbus’ case. D. helped Columbus obtain financial support for his sons. [判断题]清水墙面游丁走缝,用吊线和尺量检查,以顶层第一皮砖为准.
A. 炎症性病变 B. 穿孔性病变 C. 出血性病变 D. 梗阻性病变 E. 绞窄性病变 [单选题]歇后语是中国人民在生活实践中创造的一种特殊语言形式。下列有关三国时期的歇后语,对应语意正确的一项是()。
A.张飞绣花——若无其事 B.关云长刮骨下棋——谈笑风生 C.诸葛亮用空城计——迫不得已 D.黄忠射箭——老当益壮 [单选题]多台HXD1C机车重联运行时,关于WTB网线连接不成功,下列说法错误的是( )。
A.在所有车辆没有合蓄电池前,钥匙开关就闭合 B.所有机车都必须给电钥匙 C.只能是本务机车给电钥匙 [单选题]全补偿链形悬挂中,承力索弛度安全值的允许误差为( )。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [判断题] ( ) 在交流电力牵引区段, 室外设备不可经扼流变压器中间端子接地, 只能经专 用地线接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列除哪项外,均与瘀血的形成有关
A.A气滞 B.B血寒 C.C饮食偏嗜 D.D气虚 E.E血热 [单选题](6792)PGM-48型线路打磨列车激光廓形检测系统计算机使用的操作程序为( )
A.DOS B.windowsCE C.windows95 D.windowsXP [单项选择]Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened (61) As was discussed before, it was not (62) the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic (63) , following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the (64) of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution (65) up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading (66) through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures (67) the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in (68) . It is important to do so.
It is generally recognized, (69) , that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, (70) by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, (71) its impact on t A. process B. company C. light D. form [多项选择]结核性关节炎的临床类型有()
A. 结核性外周关节炎 B. 结核性脊柱炎 C. 结核性骶髂关节炎 D. 胸锁关节结核 E. 结核性跟腱炎和腱鞘结核 [单选题]在人字梯上作业,无限制人字梯开度的拉绳,梯子架设在不稳定的支持物上,或梯子无防滑措施。违章定级为()类违章
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]在欧洲,西罗马帝国灭亡后,封建社会代之而兴起。在其影响下,欧洲原来一些原始部落跨过奴隶制阶段,直接建立了封建国家。这说明( )。
A.社会形态更替具有随机性 B.规律的客观性并不否定人们历史活动的能动性 C.各民族之间的交往是一个民族进行历史选择,实现社会跨越的必要条 D.社会发展是一个自发的过程 [单选题]网银盾视同重要空白凭证保管,入库、出库、售出等账务处理在( )进行,按重要空白凭证管理规定进行核对,确保账实相符。
A. 综合业务系统 B. 网上银行系统 C.资金清算系统 D.风险监测系统 [单选题]关于中证全债指数,下列叙述错误的有( )。
A.指数以样本债券的发行量为权数,采用简单平均加权方法计算 B.指数的基日为2002年12月31日,基点为100点 C.符合基本条件的债券自下个月第1个交易日起计入指数 D.当成分债券的市值出现非交易因素的变动时,采用“除数修正法”修正原固定除数,以保证指数的连续性 [判断题]在车辆检修工作中,对零部件允许存在的损伤程度的规定,称为检修限度。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]临空栏杆玻璃安装前,应做()试验。
A. 强度 B. 拉力 C. 承载力 D. 抗冲击性能 [单项选择] 情景再现的展开过程是() ①触景生情 ②理清头绪 ③设身处地 ④现身说法
A. ②③④① B. ③①④② C. ③②①④ D. ②③①④ [单选题] ()信号:昼间——用检查锤在下部左右摇动,夜间——白色灯光在下部左右摇动。
A.缓解 B.制动 C.压钩 D.保压 [判断题]发生猪传染性胃肠炎时,症状最严重、死亡率最高的是生产母猪。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为促进国民经济协调发展,同时实现货币政策的四大目标,是较为理想的选择。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交