March 9, 2003—Malcolm Byrd was home on a Saturday night when a knock came. Three Rock Country, Wis., sheriff’s officers were there with a warrant for Byrd’s arrest. Cocaine possession, with intent to distribute, it said. Byrd tried to tell them that they had the wrong man, that it was a case of mistaken identity. But they wouldn’t listen. Instead they put him in handcuffs (手铐) and drove him away. It was nothing new for Byrd, who has spent much of the past five years trying—unsuccessfully—to talk skeptical police officers out of arresting him. But this time, it was worse. Two days later, he was still in jail. This is the worst thing for identity theft victims. Losing your clean credit history is one thing; losing you freedom is another. And victims of America’s fastest-growi A. he was wanted for drug dealing B. he drove too fast C. he was mistaken for drug dealing D. he was found of drug dealing [多项选择]乙炔瓶的填料存在下列哪些缺陷应报废()
A. 从瓶口观察,填料已溃散,有裂缝或火焰反击现象 B. 填料径向间隙超过填料直径0.2% C. 用手指推按填料,手感填料疏松、柔软 D. 肩部轴向间隙超过3.0mm [单选题]在实施光面爆破时,周边眼起爆间隔时间( ),井巷壁面平整的效果就越有保证。
A.越长 B.较长 C.越短 [多选题]下列对列车旅行速度描述正确的是()
A.一个区间内的最大速度 B.列车运行一个单趟的平均速度 C.包含列车停站的时间 D.不包含列车停站时间的平均速度 [单选题]乳牙一般萌出顺序是:
A.I→Ⅱ→Ⅲ→Ⅳ→V B.I→Ⅱ→Ⅳ→Ⅲ→V C.Ⅱ→I→Ⅲ→Ⅳ→V D.Ⅱ→I→V→Ⅲ→Ⅳ E.I→Ⅱ→Ⅳ→V→Ⅲ [单选题]在列车运行监控装置( LKJ )基础数据源文件中,为实现进站双黄闪高速道岔控制功能,须在默认股道后设置股道号为( )的高速股道数据。
A.126 B.127 C.131 D.253 [单选题]工件弯曲后( )长度不变。
A.外层材料 B.中间材料 C.中性层材料 D.内层材料 [单选题]人工骨料料场详查阶段取样组数应按岩性、风化程度分别取样。同一岩性取样不少于( )组。
A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8 [单项选择]用力屏气时,阴道口可见到子宫颈已达到处女膜缘,临床诊断为()
A. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度轻型 B. 子宫脱垂Ⅰ度重型 C. 子宫脱垂Ⅰ度轻型 D. 子宫脱垂Ⅱ度重型 E. 子宫脱垂Ⅲ度 [单选题]依据工作票实施规范(发电、变电部分)Q/CSG 1205005—2016第5.9.9条规定:《分组工作派工单》中关于安全交代填写描述错误的是( )。
A.此处由接受完分组工作负责人安全交代的工作班人员代表签名 B.此处由接受完分组工作负责人安全交代的所有工作班人员签名 C.注明安全交代时间 D.安全交代签名不允许代签 [单项选择]浙江移动光缆线路标签标识规范中管道光缆挂牌长宽规格为()。
A. 6CM(长)*4CM(宽) B. 8CM(长)*4CM(宽) C. 8CM(长)*6CM(宽) D. 10CM(长)*6CM(宽) [判断题] CE005 接地是防止触电事故的措施之一。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]1#装置冷却水压力变化对400#有什么影响?
[多选题]实行包干制的物业服务企业的经济效益与其( )紧密相关。
A.管理服务 B.成本控制 C.经营运作能力 D.职工数量 E.值班时间 [判断题]臂梯状态监测是指只有曲臂梯扶手收回,曲臂才能收回到行驶状态,防止梯架被挤压。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交