Bathing in the sea in England a hundred
years ago was not quite the light-hearted amusement that it is today. There are
no running down from the hotel to the beach in a bath robe(长袍), no sunbathing,
or lying about on the sands in bathing-dresses after the dip. Everything had to
be done in an orderly and extremely polite manner. Mixed bathing was not allowed
anywhere. Men and women each had their separate part of the beach, and they were
not supposed to meet in the water. Bathing clothes were also closely controlled. Men usually wore simple bathing drawers and no more, but women were obliged to wear thick, cumbersome woolen garments that covered them completely from head to foot. These satisfied the demands of modesty, but they must have been extremely uncomfortable for swimming. Even thus decently covered, women were not s A. attend to the bathing machine B. dip the attendant C. force the bather to emerge from the bathing machine D. force the bather under the water when she came out of the machine [单选题]换流变压器有载分接开关同时配置了油流继电器和压力继电器的,油流继电器投(____),压力继电器投(____)。
A.报警、报警 B..报警、跳闸 C..跳闸、报警 D..跳闸、跳闸 [填空题]You should not make _____ many mistakes.
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]员工绩效工资与所在组织、本人绩效考核结果挂钩,原则上A级员工比相同岗位层级员工平均绩效工资高至少()。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [单项选择]患者男性,41岁,因家庭纠纷服用乐果300ml后1小时入院。查体:中度昏迷,血压120/80mmHg,皮肤潮湿多汗,口中有大蒜味,心率52次/分,双肺底可闻及湿啰音。洗胃结束时,判断洗胃是否彻底可参考()
A. 洗胃液量 B. 洗出液是否澄清无味 C. 临床症状是否好转 D. 胆碱酯酶是否正常 E. 是否醒转 [判断题]一切电话中断后发出的列车,列车禁止退行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]存储的内容被读出后并不被破坏,这是什么设备的特性
A. 随机存储器 B. 内存 C. 磁盘 D. 存储器 [简答题]教师的教育专业修养包括哪几个主要方面
[多选题]管理类档案是指在( )等的过程中所形成的档案资料。
A.党群工作 B.行政管理 C.经营管理 D.生产技术管理 [单选题]技能脱贫千校行动指出,要到2020年底,全国技工院校累计新招收建档立卡贫困家庭学生( )万人以上。
A.7 B.8 C.9 D.10 [单选题]4岁女孩,胸骨左缘3~4肋间闻及Ⅲ级收缩期杂音,肺动脉第二心音亢进,胸片示左、右心室扩大。应考虑的诊断是
A.房间隔缺损 B.法洛四联症 C.肺动脉狭窄 D.动脉导管未闭 E.室间隔缺损 [单选题]电缆隧道、偏僻山区、夜间、事故或恶劣天气等巡视工作,应至少( )人一组进行。
A.两人 B.三人 C.四人 D.五人 [判断题]为防止电力电缆损坏事故,应严格进行到货验收,并开展工厂抽检、到货检测。检测报告作为新建线路投运资料移交检修单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据我国宪法和法律规定,我国的国家机关由( )等组成。
A. 权力机关、司法机关 B. 审判机关、检察机关 C. 军事机关 D. 权力机关、行政机关 [单选题]每名驻站联络员天窗点内
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [名词解释]报警接收中心
A.定期清扫 B.及时清扫 C.有时间再清扫 D.看情况再决定是否清扫 [单项选择]发生骨筋膜室综合征的主要原因是()
A. 主要神经损伤 B. 肌肉痉挛 C. 筋膜室内高压 D. 病变以下血供受阻 E. 静脉血栓 [单选题]非运维人员进行的低压测量工作,宜填用( )。
A.配电第一种工作票 B.配电第二种工作票 C.配电带电作业工作票 D.低压工作票 我来回答: 提交