Competitors complain that Microsoft’s
recent settlement of their antitrust case with the federal government will do
little to protect them or consumers from the software giant’s monopoly power.
But they hold out hope that state attorney generals could make the deal more
restrictive. "My guess is that all Bill Gates could do was to suppress a big
grin when he held his press conference this morning," said Mitchell Kertz-man,
chief executive of Liberate Technologies, a rival provider of software for
interactive TV. "This settlement does not come close to matching the scope of
the violation of antitrust law that Microsoft has been convicted of," he added.
"It was an inexplicably bad deal for the government." Microsoft and the Justice Department presented the settlement to a federal judge Friday, saying that it would end the antit A. They felt that the settlement was at least partially successful. B. They felt the penalties against Microsoft were too harsh. C. They believed that the settlement was a sign of progress. D. They were under pressure to demand changes in the settlement. [多项选择]项目界面包括( )。
A. 组织界面 B. 技术界面 C. 人际关系界面 D. 环境界面 E. 知识界面 [单项选择]下列哪种细胞可产生基质:
A. 成纤维细胞 B. 黑色素细胞 C. 朗格罕细胞 D. 组织细胞 E. 肥大细胞 [多项选择]下列费用中包含在材料费里的有()。
A. 工程设备的出场价格 B. 材料自来源地运至工地仓库的费用 C. 组织采购工程设备发生的费用 D. 对新材料进行一般检查的费用 E. 材料在运输装卸过程中不可避免的损耗 [填空题]为了便于系统的管理和维护,Windows 98提供了多种系统工具。例如,要删除回收站中的文件、Internet临时文件和Windows临时文件等,可以运行“()”系统工具。
A. 斑块破裂 B. 斑块内出血 C. 血栓形成 D. 室壁瘤 E. 动脉瘤 [多选题]“三严三实”中的“三实”指的是?
A.谋事要实 B.发展要实 C.创业要实 D.做人要实 [单项选择]耳屏与耳轮脚之间的凹陷称为()。
A. 耳屏间切迹 B. 耳前切迹 C. 对耳屏 D. 耳屏软骨间切迹 E. 鼓切迹 [多选题]上下班途中应注意的交通安全行为( )。
A.行走须在人行道内,没有人行道要靠路边行走 B.乘车时,不准在道路中间招呼、拦截车辆 C.机动车在行驶中切勿将身体的任何部位伸出窗外 D.不乘坐超载车辆,不乘坐无载客许可证的车辆 E.上下车时要等车辆完全停稳后再上下 [填空题]( )应当将违法超限运输车辆及时报告公路管理机构或者公安机关交通管理部门依法处理。
[单选题]DL/T 634.5104-2009中设定值命令,标度化值的类型标识是( )。
A.C-SE-NA-1 B.C-SE-NB-1 C.C-SE-NC-1 D.C-SE-ND-1 [单项选择]