Text 2 Most experts believe that an ever-increasing number of countries and terrorist groups will gain the technical capability to acquire and use chemical and biological weapons. But use of these weapons by hostile states or terrorist groups is not inevitable. Even when locked in bloody conventional wars, nations that have considered using these weapons have generally been deterred by the risk that their opponents would retaliate in the same way or escalate the conflict elsewhere. Terrorist groups with the technical capacity to acquire and use a chemical or biological weapon have typically lacked an interest in doing so, while groups interested in such weapons have generally lacked the necessary technical skills. Assessing future threats, however, involves more than simple extrapolation from past tren A. Argumentative. B. Imaginative. C. Objective. D. Negative. [单项选择]R1-2.2/220型变阻器额定功率为()V.A。
A. 100 B. 110 C. 220 D. 440 [判断题]扑救高层建筑火灾的编成方法:当按三辆消防车为一战斗编成时,通常可选择高(中)低压泵水罐消防车、中型水罐消防车、抢险救援车等。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]暂缺
[判断题]接触器银及银基合金触点表面在分断电弧所形成的黑色氧化膜的接触电阻很大,应进行锉修。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某乡镇派出所在追查一起农村中发生的丢羊事件中,将农民李某误作为嫌疑犯抓到派出所,并对其进行打骂,尚未到24小时,就有人举报该案系邻村刘某所为,刘某所在村的村委会已将某押往派出所,而且刘某也已承认是自己偷了邻村的羊。派出所将李某释放,但并没有告诉李某事实的真相,派出所所长在李某离开派出所前,对李某说了句:“为什么抓你进来回去好好想一想吧!”李某已是60多岁的老汉,受不了这种侮辱,回村后就上吊自杀了。关于此案,下列说法正确的是:( )
A. 李某死亡后,其继承人和其他有抚养关系的亲属,都有权向有关机关要求国家赔偿 B. 李某死亡之后,只有其近亲属才有权向有关机关要求国家赔偿 C. 李某所在村村委会有权向有关机关要求国家赔偿 D. 该乡镇派出所应当作为赔偿义务机关向李某家属赔偿 [单选题]. 专责监护人( )兼做其他工作。
A.可以 B.根据工作需要可 C.不得 D.在全部停电时可 [单选题]小儿急性肾小球肾炎最常见的病原体是( )
A.支原体 B.肺炎链球菌 C.乙型肝炎病毒 D.金黄色葡萄球菌 E.A组β溶血性链球菌 [单选题]EK-812SV板用于程控系统,输入电压为19~32V,输出稳定在( )。[321030201]
A.10V B.12V C.15V D.24V [单选题]《国务院关于加强土地调控有关问题的通知》规定,( )费用不落实的不得批准征地。
A.土地补偿 B.安置补助 C.社会保障 D.青苗补偿 [判断题] 低压电气带电工作,应采取绝缘隔离措施防止相间短路和单相接地。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]两根钢丝绳的夹角过大,存在的危险因素有:( )。
A.容易脱钩 B.物体易变形折断 C.容易脱绳 D.容易晃动 我来回答: 提交