People have good reason to care about
the welfare of animals. Ever since the Enlightenment, their treatment has been
seen as a measure of mankind’s humanity. It is no coincidence that William
Wilberforce and Sir Thomas Foxwell Buxton, two leaders of the movement to
abolish the slave trade, helped found the Royal Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals in the 1820s. An increasing number of people go further:
mankind has a duty not to cause pain to animals that have the capacity to
suffer. Both views have led people gradually to extend treatment once reserved
for mankind to other species. But when everyday lives are measured against such principles, they are fraught with contradictions. Those who would never dream of caging their cats and dogs guzzle bacon and eggs from ghastly factory farms. The abattoir and the cattle tr A. the public’s ignorance of scientific research results in attacks on science B. a measure of mankind’s humanity is taken into account C. confusion and contradiction result from vulnerable campaigns D. the debate is bound to aggravate in the next decade [单选题]( )要严格执行《设备使用与维护规程》规定,根据职责和规程要求做好“三好”、“四会”、“润滑五定”工作。
A.A、岗位人员 B.B、维修人员 C.C、管理人员 D.D、技术人员 [单项选择]压实作业应遵循的原则是()。
A. 先轻后重、先边后中、先慢后快 B. 先重后轻、先边后中、先慢后快 C. 先轻后重、先中后边、先慢后快 D. 先轻后重、先边后中、先快后慢 [判断题] 根据基桩检测技术,设计等级为甲级的建筑桩基施工前应采用静载试验确定单桩竖向抗压承载力特征值,乙级和丙级则不需采取。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如接受通知送达发盘人时已超过发盘规定的有效期,虽然发盘人立即予以确认,但合同仍不能成立。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.300 [判断题]对司机操纵起重机的基本要求是在操作中应做到稳、准、快、安全、合理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]消费者行为()
A. 包括两个层次 B. 包括三个层次 C. 就是消费者的储蓄行为 D. 就是消费者的商品购买行为 [单选题]久痢顽固不愈,证见寒热错杂者,可服( )
A.芍药汤 B.乌梅丸 C.玉枢丹 D.桃花汤 E.连理汤 [判断题]处理冒顶事故进行支护时,应坚持“先外后里、先支后拆、先上后下”的原则。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在调车作业中,单机运行或牵引车辆运行时,前方进路的确认由( )负责。
A.调车长 B.调车人员 C.司机 D.作业人员 我来回答: 提交