Mr. Smith gave his wife ten pound for
her birthday —ten pretty pound notes. So the day after her birthday, Mrs Smith
went shopping. She queued for a bus, got on and sat down next to an old lady.
After a while, she noticed that the old lady’s handbag was open. Inside it she
saw a wad of pound notes exactly like the one her husband had given her. So she
quickly looked into her own bag — the notes were gone! Mrs Smith was sure that
the old lady who was sitting next to her had stolen them. She thought she would
have to call the police; but, as she disliked making a fuss and getting people
into trouble, she decide to take back the money from the old lady’s handbag and
say nothing more about it. She looked round the bus to make sure nobody was
watching, then she carefully put her hand into the old lady’s bag, took the
notes and put them A. she was on the bus B. she was not sure whether she had the ten pound notes with her C. she was’ too angry to do so D. she didn’t like to make trouble for others [单项选择]通过抽取一份全过程的文件,来了解整个业务流程执行情况的评估评价方法是()。
A. 重新执行 B. 重新计算 C. 细节测试 D. 穿行测试 [判断题]电石渣浆为清澈液体。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]自主择业军队转业干部经费标准确定为每人4800元(4500元用于适应性培训,300元用于专业培训)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]饭对于( )相当于酒对于( )
A.米菜 B.撑醉 C.煮精 D.吃睡 [单选题]房地产市场组成要素至少包括( )。
A.卖方.买方.房地产市场竞争 B.卖方.买方.房地产经纪 C.卖方.买方.供交易的房地产 D.卖方.房地产经纪人.市场营销 [判断题]当横截面积相同时,同种材料导体的长度越长,导体的电阻越大。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]How does Jerry Parks finish his master's degree
A. 27.6 B. 28.2 C. 29.0 D. 29.9 [单选题]带有循环运动梯路向上或向下倾斜输送乘客的固定电力驱动设备叫( )。
A.自动扶梯; B.自动人行道; C.垂直电梯; D.高速电梯 [单选题]最冷月平均气温低于( )地区隧道的有水地段宜设置保温水沟、中心深埋沟或防寒泄水洞等。
A. 5℃ B. 6℃ C. 7℃ D. 8℃ [单项选择]水泥取样应有代表性,可以连续取,也可以从20个以上不同部位取等量样品,总量不少于()。
A. 12kg B. 20kg C. 10kg D. 25kg [多项选择]传球技术是由()等环节组成的。
A. 持球 B. 球的出手 C. 球飞行的路线 D. 传球动作 [多项选择]《中华人民共和国电力法》规定:()和终止用电,应当依照规定的程序办理手续。
A. 申请新装用电 B. 临时用电 C. 增加用电容量 D. 变更用电 E. 用电计量 [多选题]无缝线路出现下列哪种情况时,必须做好放散或调整工作。( )
A.实际锁定轨温不在设计锁定轨温范围以内 B.锁定轨温不清楚或不准确。 C.无缝道岔限位器顶死或两股尖轨相错量超过20mm。 D.因处理线路故障或施工造成实际锁定轨温超出设计锁定轨温范围或位移超限。 [简答题]弹性敏感元件的类型分为哪几种?
[单项选择]对于胃癌的发生部位,正确的是 ()
A. 幽门区最多 B. 贲门部位最多 C. 胃窦区最多 D. 胃底最多 E. 幽门区少发 [简答题]一个人因国籍而一个国家所产生的法律关系主要表现在什么方面?
A. 头端 B. 肩平 C. 胸挺 D. 腹收 E. 腿直、手垂 [判断题] 化学事故救援中,输转危险品的主要方法有:倒罐、抽吸、吸附、转移。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交