Most people who develop Lyme disease, a tick-born infection that’s endemic in parts of the Northeast and Midwest, are easily cured by taking an antibiotic like doxycycline for a couple of weeks. But for years a debate has raged over what to do about patients whose symptoms (fatigue, mental confusion, joint pain) never seem to clear up. One small but vocal group of doctors and patient advocates believes that Lyme’s corkscrew-shaped spirochetes have tunneled deep into their victims’ bodies and can be eradicated only with intensive antibiotic treatment over many months. Another group believes, just as adamantly, that the bacteria are long gone, making further treatment with powerful antibiotics-- which can lead to potentially fatal infections or blood clots--positively dangerous.
Now comes word of two studies in the New England Journal of Medicine that show that long-term antibiotic treatment is no better than a placebo for folks with chronic Lyme disease.
A. even the patients doubt the antibiotic treatment
B. doxycyeline has been regarded as the most effective
C. doctors disagree as to the effect of strong antibiotics
D. moderate antibiotics are better than intensive ones
Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.
Being a good parent is harder now that it has ever been before. In pressurized modern lives, demands to be a fulfilled individual, and a good partner and a good worker, take no account of being a good parent. (46)We haven’t left space for the nurturing parents to care for their children and provide the kind of care that their children need, resulting in the fact that many families in the western world just don’t work.
Most of us have a bit of yearning for a table full of children descending neatly in size, the older ones helping the younger ones. Let’s control our nostalgia: that" traditional family" had many faults, not least in the roles it imposed on females. (47) The problem is that in the last generation or so we’ve come to assume that wom
About six years ago I was eating lunch in a
restaurant in New York City when a young boy sat down at the next table.I
couldn’t help overhearing parts of their conversation.At one point,the woman
asked:"So, how have you been "And the boy —who could not have been more than
seven or eight years old—replied,"Frankly, I’ve been feeling a little depressed
lately." This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing.As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn’t find out we were"depressed"until we were in high school. The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don’t seem childlike any more.Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to A. a sure sign of a psychological problem in a child B. something hardly to be expected in a young child C. an inevitable phase of children’s mental development D. a mental state present in all humans, including children [多项选择]下列哪些水生花卉属于挺水花卉?()
A. 荷花 B. 睡莲 C. 王莲 D. 黄花鸢尾 [判断题]持票人对票据的出票人和承兑人的权利自票据到期日起2年。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列()垂直行业,政府提出了对车辆强制联网监控的管理要求
A.两客一危营运车辆 B.新能源汽车 C.环卫清扫车 D.重型柴油货车 [单选题]风险点的等级按风险点内风险的( )确定。
A.评估级别 B.最高级别 C.平均级别 D.综合级别 [单选题]4.38. 第38题
过电流方向保护是在过电流保护的基础上,加装一个( )而组成的装置 A.负序电压元件 B.复合电流继电器 C.方向元件 D.选相元件 我来回答: 提交